Nationwide Casting for Ancestry Travel Show

By | August 19, 2019

Are you interested in your ancestry?

Would you love to travel to the place where your ancestors may have lived to see the places that your roots come from? If you do not actually know where your ancestry is from, no problem because those cast for the show will get a DNA test to find out.

If this sounds like you, check out the casting notice below.

Nationwide Casting: Ancestry Travel Show! Are you ready for an adventure of many lifetimes?
Now Casting: Ancestry’s new show about family lineage and are seeking people who would like to travel to where their ancestors lived! Walk where they walked, see what they saw! Our team of genealogists will analyze your DNA/family tree and see where your ancestors lived and what you could learn about your own family (*testing is free of charge).

2 thoughts on “Nationwide Casting for Ancestry Travel Show

  1. Monique Metoyer

    My mother has been trying to ascertain her ancestry, but has not been successful. Her family is from New Orleans, Louisiana. Some relatives appear to have music talent. She has gone as far as she could on Ancestry. She is 83 and I would love to have her search come to fruition.

  2. Yoany Rodriguez

    I am Cuban, & family from Spain. It is difficult to get more information outside of the states about my family. We have several amazing stories that can be showcased on the show of the struggles to get to America.
    Interested in more information.

  3. Amy Neely

    My son would love this. He spent his summer asking his grandparents questions to find out more about his family and the generations of the past. He has done so much research and loves this kind of stuff. He just left for college at Gettysburg in Pennsylvania 16 hours from home because he wanted to study the history and how it affected his family in the past and the future.


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