Paternity Court in Now Casting Nationwide

By | September 24, 2019

Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court is casting people looking for a DNA test.

The nationally syndicated talk show / court show is filming a new season and looking to cast people nationwide.

Do you need a paternity test?

Do you want to get one done on national TV and have the questions answered one and for all?

If so read on because the show is casting nationwide and those chosen will be paid for their appearance as well as get free travel to Atlanta for the filming. The travel includes airline tickets, car service and hotel accommodations.

Lauren Lake’s Paternity Court deals with family issues and family issues only.  The show deals with emotional cases, many of which need a DNA test to resolve.  “Lauren Lake’s lengthy legal career has specialized in family law, making her a natural fit for this court.” – IMDB


TV Show Asks: Do You Need A DNA / Paternity Test?

  • Do you need a paternity test to determine who the father of your child is?
  • Are you uncertain which man is the father of your child?
  • Are you an adult who wants a man to take a paternity test to see if he is really your biological dad?
  • Does a woman claim your son is her child’s father but you think he’s not the baby’s daddy?

Call And Tell Us Your Story At:

Qualifying Guests May Be Entitled To One Or More Of The Following:

  • Free Paternity Test
  • Free Airline Travel To And From Atlanta, GA
  • Car Service
  • Hotel Lodging
  • Hair & Make-up
  • Meal Money
  • Cash Compensation

4 thoughts on “Paternity Court in Now Casting Nationwide


    My brother in law’s baby mother refuses to allow him to put his name on his child’s birth certificate. He is also in a custody dispute. Can he come on the show to get a dna test and get a court order to have his name put on his child’s birth certificate?

  2. Adrienne Reese

    I’m 45 yr old in Macon GA. And I need my Dad..My Own dad.I met him Once a few months ago.Not anymore since and that’s only when I drove miles to his job.He keep promising to see me He told me his wife a Preacher but I’m not understanding why the promises and no meeting yet.I even have two sisters I haven’t ever met.He signed his rights over after I was born.When I look in his eyes I see Me I want to love my new extra family.I have children he need to meet So many people dying. I pray We get to be father and daughter soon.I YEARN FOR HIM. I’M GROWN BUT I NEED MY Dx. I FEEL HE IS MY DAD.I LOVE HIM ALREADY .MY HEART SAY YES.MY MOTHER HAS LITTLE to say She tried to contact him after his mom passed but he wasn’t too friendly.Everyone needs A Dad.PLEASE PLEASE HELP ME!!!

  3. Anthony Cooney

    My fiancee lives in South Africa. A boy was born on January 8, 2019 according to the mother. Most of my friends and family say he is not my child from what they see on pictures. i live in Atlanta and i am requesting the mother in South Africa, her son in South Africa and myself to be on the show to confirm if i am the father or not.

  4. J.& The Smith's

    Dear Your Honor,
    Please Judge, Lauren Lake, tell me does your show test cousins, to see are they related or do you only do Parent’s & Siblings? My Uncle died and these folks didn’t come to the service! It raised red flags really high! The rumors of the son & daughter in another state has always been a topic of discussion, but we want DNA to see the facts HELP!


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