Steve Harvey Show Casting For Various TV Show Segments

By | February 8, 2019

The Steve Harvey Show is looking for show guests.

Love Steve Harvey?

The Steve Harvey show is looking for some specific types for upcoming show segments in the Los Angeles area.

STEVE HARVEY TALK SHOW CASTING: Seeking couples who need some advice on their relationship and who aren’t seeing eye to eye on something! Both of you must be avail for an in studio appearance on 2/19 in Los Angeles. Paid gig for you both!

If interested, please send recent photo of you and your significant other and what your situation is to

Steve Harvey casting teens nationwide

5 thoughts on “Steve Harvey Show Casting For Various TV Show Segments

  1. Beverly

    I would like you to help me get a cooling bed from temperpetic. My husband has spent 30,000 for two years before I was able to go on Medicare. He then has paid 15000 two years for medical on me after I went on Medicare because I have ms and large cell arterosis. I have basically put us in the poor house. He has let his teeth go and he will not get dentures because he said he can’t afford it. Life is tough. The older you get the worse it is. My mom is 75 and still working because she says she can’t retire because of the basic bills. My brother died in October 14 2018 and she is under stress at work. She moved into a one floor house and doesn’t have room to make pies anymore. Kitchen help? If you can’t help me could you help her please….


    Hello, I am an avid fan of Mr. Harvey’s & would very much like to appear on his daytime show. I am a single, African-American, very attractive female who does not look my age! I would very much like to be selected as THE most mature female Mr. Harvey has ever had on his show. I am a retired Nurse Manager, have a Master’s Degree in nursing, very healthy, exercise, I do not smoke or drink, love to travel and generally love to have fun!! Please consider me to appear on the Steve Harvey Show; thank you. I am “looking for love.”Cynthia Little

  3. Brian Keith Hicks

    Incomparable Brian Keith inquiring about an audition for the Hook me up Steve, Segment

  4. Inger Rogers

    Hi Steve, my awesome friend, Alice Boyce, needs the “hook-up”, Steve! She is a huge fan of yours! She has been a widow for nearly ten years now. She has dated guys, but the difficulty has been the lack of compatibility. My girl is fun-loving, beautiful, energetic, fit, and down-to earth. Steve, Alice’s non-negotiables are that he must be a widow with grown children who fears God, pursues health and fitness, loves to have fun, have emotional intelligence, and is ready to settle down. He has to be between the ages of 54-60 years old. And one more thing, Steve. He must be kinda UGLY! She likes them fine and ugly…… Yes, that’s her fetish, Hunny!

    Alice is a phenomenal cook too. Her catering business is established on her sensational signature dish which is a loaded delicious “hot potato” topped with veggies, grilled chicken, or shrimp. It is simply amazing! Needless to say, she is a great catch!

    Steve, your gift of laughter has gotten her through some tough times. She watches your show everyday and has read all your books. Trust me when I say that she would be an unforgettable delightful guest! Counting on you, Chief Love Officer! Help a Sista out!

    Grateful for you time and consideration!

    Inger Rogers


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