The Boy In The Yellowshirt: a tragic compilation of extreme personalities.
Location: Birmingham, Al
Type: Theater
Audition Deadline: October 2nd with filming sometime in October.
“BWTY” is a film about a young gangster, who commits an ambitious crime. (which results in his death)
The death is followed by a mosaic styled narrative exploring other characters in his world and their personalities.
[Jackie Yellow][Gender:Male][Age: 18-28]
Is a young gangster. Is tired of petty crimes. Seeks his claim to fame/ street cred. Gets killed
[Tony French][Gender: Male][Age:30-40]
Is head of a crime family. Is character that sets narrative in motion.
[Man #2] [Gender: Male][Age:16+ open]
[Paul][Gender: Male][Age 28+]
An outspoken extremist radio host. Huge ego/Huge conspiracies
[UPS Man][Gender: Male][Age 18-30]
Delivers package. Love Interest of Lisa.
[Lisa][Gender: Female][Age: Open]
Paul’s assistant/ Intern. The most grounded and reasonable character in a narrative of crazies.
[Caller 1][Gender:Open][Age: Open]
Calls into Paul’s show with some factual concerns.
[Harvey Updyke][Gender:Male][Age:Open]
Calls into Paul’s show to talk about college football and admit to a crime.
[The Artist][Gender: Male][Age:16-28]
Is too cool for everyone. Starts but never finishes many things.
[Artist Friend][Gender: Open][Age:16-28]
Worried friend of artist.
[Art Gallery Ladies x2][Gender:Female x2][Age:Open x2]
Greet visitors entering art gallery
[Killers x2][Gender: Male x2][Age:14-24]
Guys who kill Jackie
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Birmingham, Al
Please submit to: theboyintheyellowshirt@gmail.con by 2019-10-31
This casting notice was posted by: JonJonWest, Indie Director