Wife Swap is Back and Casting for 2019 / 2020

By | May 16, 2019

Wife Swap is back to TV and casting.

Do you think other families have it easier than yours? Would you like to swap for a short amount of time to see what it’s like living in someone else’s family shoes? Here is your chance because Wife Swap is now casting families for the upcoming episodes of the show.  Wife Swap is now back on the Paramount Network.

Are you feeling under appreciated? If so, you can fill out the application to appear on the show and go through with a Wife Swap.

Those cast will get a chance to see how other families live and get paid o do it! The show is offering $10,000 per family that get cast as well as a finders fee for those that are able to nominate a family that gets cast for the show.

Have you ever wondered if the grass is greener on the other side of the fence?

Wife Swap is the series that invites you behind the walls of America’s homes and lets you experience how families run their lives.

Two wives, from two very different families, swap lives for two weeks. One week in the life of the host family, the other week forcing the family to live her lifestyle. – IMDB.

If you haven’t see the show, here is a short description…. Basically, the mom’s of 2 different families swap those families for the other for a total of 10 days.  That’s right, each family gets a new mom for a short amount of time.

Cameras follow two women from different backgrounds as they trade homes and families for two weeks. The women spend the first week following each other’s detailed instructions on how to parent, socialize and run the household. Things change on the second week, when they are allowed to impose their own rules and run things as they please. At the end of the two weeks, the women and their spouses meet for an often-heated discussion, assessing each other’s life choices and the effect the experiences had on their families.

Do you want to see what you can learn from a family that is different than your own?

Do you need to take a break from your family because you feel under appreciated?

We are searching for all types of MODERN FAMILIES in the GEORGIA area. Your family does not need to be the “traditional” mother/father nuclear family.


Nominate someone:


Completed applications must be received by Friday, June 21, 2019 at 12pm PST* to be considered, BUT REMEMBER, THE SOONER THE BETTER!

Those interested in getting on Wife Swap or nominating a family to be on the show may fill out the requested information on the casting directors web site which may be found here.

Be sure to also check out all the other reality shows that may be casting right now.

3 thoughts on “Wife Swap is Back and Casting for 2019 / 2020

  1. Tammy Taylor

    Hello I am Tammy Taylor. We have five girls total. Three of the girls live with us along with my 3 month old grandson. I also have my handicapped sister who lives with us. The ages are 21, 21, 19, 17 and 14. My handicapped sister is 38. I would love for me and my family to be part of the wife swap in hopes to bring some diversity to our home. We would like to learn new ways of living and to bring a little excitement to our home. We always do the same thing day in and day out. We do everything we can to make our kids life good. We teach them how to do their choirs and to be respectful to others. I have an open door policy so my girls can feel like they can talk to me about anything.

  2. Tina Smethers

    Hi my name is Tina Smethers, We are the Smethers family. I have 2 kids a son that is 8 years old his name is brandan Smethers jr. I have a daughter that is 3 years old, her name is Izuli smethers. I have an amazing husband whose name is Brandan Smethers Sr. He works full-time at Walmart, I am an stay at home mom I am home with my kids everyday but looking for a job to make more money to help out,We are a happy family do our best to make sure our kids are happy and also have things they need. I am here to do the wife swap to see it I can learn something from a new family, also learn to teach a new family something out if my family to make things good in life, Thank you so much I hope to hear from you soon.

  3. Georgianna cox

    My name is Rehanna Cox and my husband is George cox. We have five children and we’re fans of Wife swap, would love to be on the show as my husband is the biggest fan.


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