Home » Auditions By Region » North Carolina » Actors in Raleigh N.C. for Upcoming Web Series

Actors in Raleigh N.C. for Upcoming Web Series

By | December 7, 2020


Location: Raleigh, North CArolina

Type: Web series

Julia Simms: A 18-year-old freshman at Himes, who majors in journalism. She is originally from the Bronx, New York. She gets a job with the school newspaper. She is an adventurous girl, is very open to try new things. She does her best to try and keep her friends happy, as she also acts as the glue of the friend group. She is very outgoing. She is also seen as being very unorganized.

Lauren Stylez: A 20-year-old junior at Himes, whose major is Law. She is from Beverly Hills, California. She is mixed-race. She is a very serious and uptight girl. She is a strong and determined girl, she goes about for things as if she’s demanding it. She is spoiled and never had to work for much in life as her mother is a lawyer and her father is a doctor. She is an undercover party girl. She could also come off as boujee. Her mother also graduated from Himes.

Kelly Rodgers: A 17-year-old freshman at Himes, who is an accounting major. Originally from Houston, Texas. She is a talented singer. She could be seen as child-like or carefree. She gives off good energy, she is very fun to be around. She is seen as cheerful, often gets overly cheerful and becomes annoying. It is very difficult for her to keep a secret. She is often forgetful. She is an optimistic girl, she tends to put others before herself, she is curious, and likes to try new things, and is seen as adventurous. She is also a hopeless romantic and a sucker for love stories. She often times uses skates to navigate around campus.

Elizabeth Brown: A 20-year-old sophomore at Himes, whose major is nursing. She comes from a long prestigious line of doctors in the Washington D.C. area, which cause her to constantly be stressed. Often times she is seen as being in a rush. She also panics easily. All these traits she begins to lose as the series goes on.

William Potter: A 24-year-old graduate student at Himes. He is striving for his Master’s in childhood education. He works as the RA of Galbreath Hall. He tries to be well respected as an RA, as some students try to take advantage of him due to his kindness. Also, as the oldest student of the bunch he tends to make sure all the other students are well protected.

Mr. Kai Button: A 37-year-old, History professor at Himes. His is also a member of Kappa Gamma Rho. He is regarded as the coolest professor on campus. Often times, he is seen as a person of guidance for the kids.

Mrs. Loretta Langley: A 46-year-old, Dorm Director at Himes. She is the Dorm Director for Dunne Hall. Her parents left her while she was young, leading her to be raised by her grandparents. She is very enthusiastic and wise. She is also, seen as a person of guidance for the kids.

Jordan Elliott: A 21-year-old student at Himes University. He is the main member of the fraternity Kappa Gamma Rho. He is seen as rude and arrogant.

Sydney Apple: A 22-year-old orientation leader and tour guide at Himes University.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Raleigh, North CArolina
Please submit to: kendallsheffieldstudios@outlook.com by 2021-02-28
Please Submit a Headshot, resume, and monologue

This casting notice was posted by: Kendall Sheffield Studios

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