Casting Amateur Artists in The UK for “Drawers Off”

By | October 16, 2020


Do YOU draw/paint in your spare time or perhaps as a hobby?
Would you like to take part in a life-drawing session as an artist AND model?
Would you like the chance to win money for your artistic abilities?
If so, Multistory Media want to hear from you!

Drawers Off is the show where talented amateur artists get to show the world what they can do, but also become the subject of the art themselves, as they take it in turns to be the life-model for others to paint/draw.

The show will create a positive, fun and encouraging atmosphere, where the most inclusive and broadest range of amateur artists can express themselves and improve their skills, at times using artistic techniques they may not have tried before. And when it’s their turn to be the near-naked life-model, our artistic experts will offer practical and emotional support, and some well-placed props too. Decency must always be maintained, for those in the room and all those watching at home. This is daytime telly after all!

Working in groups of five artists, each show will see the finished life drawings/paintings then judged by that days “model” without knowing who is responsible for each work, and at the end of the block of five shows the artist with the highest number of points wins a cash prize of £1,000.

Ch4 – BRAND NEW TV ART SHOW – DRAWERS OFF Presented by Jenny Eclair – is looking for vibrant AMATEUR ARTISTS of all ages to show off your skills to win a cash prize.

You will also take turns to become the subject of the art as the life drawing model and be the judge of your competitors work! +18 Uk based
If you fancy trying your artistic skills and life modelling – Just click on the link below:

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