Voice Actors for Short Comedic Promos

By | October 26, 2020

Casting Call for male voice talents for online project

Location: Nationwide

Type: Comedy

Looking for American male voice talents to do voice overs of short texts for a prank call service. Hiring remotely. The texts are short (1 minute), we pay 5$ per 1 minute, so for instance for 10 minutes you’ll get 50$. Specifically we need two types of voices: a young adult voice and a mature, deeper voice.

Please send your voice demos to pravenkaia@gmail.com reading the following sample script:

Hi! Hello! I just found this phone in a bar. Whose phone is this?

Well, it had no password, so I just unlocked it. Your number was in the text message history under the name «my boo xo». So I figured you must know the owner of this phone. Could you help me get it back to them?

Actually, you know what? I should get 50$ for giving it back. That sounds fair to me. Do we have a deal?

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Nationwide
Please submit to: pravenkaia@gmail.com
Please send your voice demos to pravenkaia@gmail.com reading the sample script

This casting notice was posted by: Funny Call

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