Monthly Archives: June 2021

Casting Teens in Boulder, CO

Neurotic Location: Boulder, Colorado Type: Web series Pays: Split money earned +$15.00 Guarantee every 4 episodes. Lunch and breakfast provided. No Fees required-Travel Needed. This new web series called Neurotic is about 3 friends that just got out of school for summer but are confronted by a drug addicted Ex of Casey Gray named Otis… Read More »

Actors in Indianapolis for Web Series “Family Flix”

Family Flix (Working Title) Location: Indianapolis, Indiana Type: Web series The series is primarily a dramedy that follows the life of fourteen-year-old Daniel Declan, the youngest member in the Declan family and a freshman in high school. While the series primarily revolves around one protagonist, the central focus is on family. This series will dramatically… Read More »

Kansas City Auditions for TV Pilot “Jimmy’s Place”

Jimmy’s Place Location: Kansas City Type: TV Pilots It’s the first two episodes of a potential television show. [JOAN CARLISLE] Female, 37, open ethnicity, blonde. A responsible and loving mother to Jimmy and Julia, she holds down the fort without help from their absentee father. She always reminds her children to stay positive. She still… Read More »