Casting Call in Albuquerque and Santa Fe, New Mexico for Independent Movie Project

By | August 3, 2021

Wander Lost

Location: Albuquerque and Santa Fe

Type: Film

“Wander Lost” is being made in an unconventional way.
On screen talent will NOT be required to memorize lines (or very little).

* Lines will be read for the first time right before we roll. *
* After that, talent would be reading off cue cards or a prompter for the takes. *
* Rewording of dialogue, if occurring naturally, is fine. Some Improvisation okay, too. *

Having had a long career in conventional film making, I am now attempting something of an Experimental Approach not just to filming, but to the so called “narrative”. Loosely strung vignettes, scenes, will be my narrative strategy. As far as talent: All adult ages and backgrounds (18-70s),

One part for a minor and lots of parts for 40’s to 70s crowd. Across the board when it comes to so called “looks” and “types” e.g, Hipsters, Low-Rider Mad Hoppers, retiree’s, students, coffee shop loungers, male and female, you get the picture.

Never more than half a day’s work. Everything to be shot “on location” parks, the streets, participating business businesses. Run and gun guerilla filmmaking, I’ll be in ABQ for another couple of weeks, then I’ll be in Santa Fe for a month. In keeping with my unconventional approach, I am a crew of one shooting on an iPhone. If you, or someone you know is a good storyteller, interesting, eccentric, deadpan and droll or even dull, please pass along this information.

Actors of every skill level, even amateurs I’d would like to meet.

CREW: If you want to learn how to make movies, get a little training on how stuff gets done behind the camera. (NO experience required), I would be glad to show you a thing or two on how movies are made. I worked on pictures for 20 years. Hollywood, Oscar winners, celebrities and all that BS (and I do mean BS!). Anyway,I know how movies are made. If you wanna be a member of a small crew, and I’ll teach you what I know.
We are all working for free, and of course, for screen credit!
ONE LAST THING: attempting to cast talent thru the Craig’s List and bulletin board’s is a iffy to say the least, and more often than not, a complete waste of time.
I’m not speaking about you, the reader…
but about the 98% of “interested” people who contact me with much enthusiasm, with dates and locations for meetings and never show up, crap out, and are never heard from again – you get the picture 🙂

I Have explained the type of movie I am shooting. How I am shooting it, NO compensation other than screen credit, and all the rest with as much detail I could include. If this approach is disagreeable in any way, please ignore this page! and Me! I completely understand! So…
Respectfully, and as much as possible, confine communication to “serious inquires only”
Much Love ABQ and Santa Fe! I will gladly reply to reasonable queries. Thank you! Max.
“Great insight into American’s can be gained by simply eavesdropping. The BS is mind blowing” – the 14th Dali Lama

Payment: Non Paid

City or Location of call: Albuquerque and Santa Fe
Please submit to:
Any age and any skill level. NO experience required, No headshot required either

This casting notice was posted by: El Quatro Productions

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