Casting Homeowners in Los Angeles Who are Dealing With a Botched Home Renovation

By | July 15, 2021

Now Casting: Homeowners in Los Angeles County

Casting people in the Los Angeles area who have a botched home renovation project on their hands.

Got a botched home reno in need of a rescue?

A TV production company and a cable network are now casting for REAL families (Not actors) who are living through a renovation nightmare.

Did you hire a contractor who left before your project was completed?

Did you sink a substantial anount of your family savings into a botched home renovation?

Are you living in unsafe or unsightly conditions?

Is your renovation project putting a strain on your family?


If so, producers for the show would like to hear all about it.

To apply, email us at with your name, phone number, location (city, state), information about your home renovation project, and photos of the project. You can check our more of our work here:


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