Location: Los Angeles, CA
Type: TV Commercial
We are casting a digital ad for a company that creates custom portraits of you or your animals. They take photos from selfies you send and will turn them into full body works replicating famous historical paintings such as The Birth of Venus, The Creation of Adam and Eve, etc etc. Cats and Dogs can be turned into royalty like Marie Antoinette, etc etc.
We are casting 1 month in advance because booked talent will need to submit their actual cat photo to turn it into a real custom portrait with a 4 week turn around.
This project shoots in LA 9/22.
ROLES we are casting:
1) WHISKERS – We are looking for fluffy cats who can sit still for about a minute.
Payment: Paid
City or Location of call: Los Angeles, CA
Please submit to: casting.jumpcut@gmail.com by 2021-08-05
Send photos of your fluffy cat sitting still
This casting notice was posted by: Jumpcut Studios
I have a big fluffy cat who listens and it’s the sweetest things.
Hi! I have a big gray fluffy cat named Maggie and would love to be a part of this project!