Netflix Tattoo Redo Now Casting

By | November 15, 2021

Got a bad tattoo?

The Netflix tattoo show, Tattoo Redo is now casting people with bad tattoos who would love the opportunity to get those eyesores covered up by some amazing tattoo artists, on a tattoo show.

The show premiered in summer of 2021 and is now casting for a new season and new episodes of the tattoo reality show.  For more information about the show, you can check it out on Netflix or check out the netflix website which has videos of past episodes.

So, if you have a horrible tattoo that you would like to get covered up for free and possibly appear on Netflix Tattoo Redo…. keep reading.  The show is also taking nominations from people who know others with bad tattoos and would like to see their friends or family cover them up with something cool.


About the show:

The show premiered in 2021 and features people with tattoos they would like to forget getting them covered up by something they may love.

The brand-new show follows five established tattoo artists tasked with taking some of their clients’ most embarrassing or regrettable pieces of ink and working their magic to transform them into masterpieces. With Miryam Lumpini, Twig Sparks, Tommy Montoya, Matt Beckerich and Rose Hardy. From the “Ink Master” executive producer.

Bad tattoos walk in. Great tattoos walk out. Top artists transform tattoo disasters into stunning cover-ups, with designs chosen by clients’ loved ones.

247 thoughts on “Netflix Tattoo Redo Now Casting

  1. Robyn

    Hey, my name is Robyn. My burly 6’3- 290 lb husband has a big colorful llama with a sombrero on its head tattooed on his thigh. He got it matching with an old female friend. Please help!

  2. Alyanna jordan

    Hi! I’m Aly, I have a memorial tattoo for my mom. The artist who did it did a horrible job and I never finished it only got the outline done. The piece is scarred, faded, crooked, basically everything that could go wrong went wrong. It looks horrible, I hate looking at it. It makes it even worse that this was supposed to be the piece that memorialized my mother who died when I was younger. On top of that it’s on my arm so there’s no hiding it.

  3. Patrick Frank

    Being in a abusive relationship bring back deadly memories. Need to be removed memories of the pain and replace with boldness. It’s a rib tattoo so need go so she can start her new journey in life. With me

  4. Alexis Geremia

    Hey Tattoo Redo! My husband and I are 28 & 34. He has had this absolutely horrible Jesus “portrait” on his chest, if you can even call it that. I have some ideas of what to put over it, but it’s a good size, and a definite challenge. Being on this show would be an awesome experience for us!

    1. Ryan

      Hello Tattoo Redo, I am 32 years old and I have a two tattoos that need a redo, one is on my thigh of a cross with a circle behind it that I did when I was drinking. The other is a cross with wings wrapped around it. And that is on my left arm that my friend did for me on my 18th birthday in his apartment.

  5. Leanne Walker

    My husband has a messed up dragon tattoo in the middle of his back. The artist messed up the feet and it looks like a mix between a Phoenix and a dragon. And it’s pretty muted. Would love to help him get it covered up

  6. Leanne Thompson

    Hello! About a year ago I trusted someone from Facebook Marketplace to do my tattoo. She charged me $60, came to my house and tattooed me on my bed. As she was tattooing she told me she didn’t even have her tattoo license yet. It’s crooked, and uneven and there’s a random circle at the top not attached to anything, and just all around a mess!

  7. Samuel

    My wife has a jacked up framed quote on her top right back that looks like they tattooed with water paint. Looks very horrible and she tells me every time she sees it on the mirror. Would be great to surprise her with an audition.

  8. Julia Monroe

    Please pick me
    Ok so i was talking to a guy at one point in time. He knew someone that does tattoos, so we decided to get some tattoos. He got my name on his neck and i have a huge tramp stamp on my back and its the guy’s name. Help me fix this ugly tattoo

  9. Madison Atchley

    Hi! I’m a 25 year old carousel animal artist in Southern California! When I was 18 I got a Harry Potter Potter potion bottle. Let’s just say it’s a BIG regret. It’s atrocious, it’s green and yellow and every time I look at it it makes me think of peas and corn. It’s big and out in the open and I hate it and feel insecure about it. I’d be willing to get anything, bright colors included, I have a ton of anime tattoos elsewhere. Please save me I beg you, lol.

  10. Marcus


    My name is Marcus and I’m from Queens NY. I have a Nick Cannon sized “Mariah” tattoo of my ex wife’s name on my back and would like to be a part of what you have going on here. You consideration would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you

  11. Melinda a Durrant

    I have one of those “never get a tattoo by a friend when your drunk” tattoos. I was just drunk enough to say yes when he asked for free reign, and I so regret it. I was in my early 20’s and I’m almost 50 now. Been wanting to change it ever since.

  12. Sierra Berry

    Hi! My fiancé and I have dated on and off for around 13 years (we’re 26 & 27 so our whole teenage and young adult lives) we BOTH have crappy tattoos from being young and dumb. Both of us started getting tattoos around the age of 15, and boy were we dumb. I’d personally love to have the happy/sad faces on his leg covered up because it’s something he has hated for years as it was done unprofessionally. He’s gotten a lot of nicer work since, but has been hesitant on what to put there, and I’ve got the perfect idea! It’d also be cool if I could get a cover up, but I’d definitely want him to get chosen over me. :p

  13. Emery Browning

    Salutations! I am in desperate need of a tattoo redo! Little bit backstory. When I was 18 (just turned 29), an older friend of mine had come back from serving in the military (marines). He had been learning how to tattoo from one of his fellow officers. Being young, dumb, and blinded by friendship (and the fact it was free), I had asked him to give me a tattoo on my upper arm. BIG MISTAKE. Not only do I loath this tattoo, it is beyond embarrassing for me. Bold, bleeding, bumpy lines. Faded, blotchy, and unnecessary “shading”. Poor use of space, and added, unapproved bits that turned this into a NIGHTMARE. Well, I’ve learned my lesson the hard way, and am reaching out to turn this bad dream into a fantasy. I also believe it would be a nice challenge for the artists to take on.

  14. Amy K

    When my husband was in college, he was goalie of his school’s soccer team. He decided to get a tatto on the front of his thigh of the character “Tasmanian Devil” twirling a soccer ball. He ran out of money after getting the Tasmanian Devil and never got the soccer ball. So, Taz is just pointing at my husband’s junk! Please help!

  15. Taylor Mae

    Tattoo Redo- PLEASE Redo MY tattoo!
    When I was stationed in San Antonio, Texas I went to a tattoo artist that my uncle had previous work done by. I asked him for a mermaid on my right thigh, he drew something up that looked more like an alien. We agreed more on my vision and moved forward to set a date. Date comes he isn’t at the shop but down the road at a different shop so I go and while he is almost done with my tattoo, a huge man and woman walk in, hands him a bag of cocaine right over my face as I am still laying on the table. Scared to leave because I was the only other person in the shop with NO PANTS ON at 1100pm, I stayed until I was told we were done! The next day when I took the wrap off-I noticed the details of the scales on the mermaids tail is an ejaculateling PENIS!!! Next I heard he up moved to CA. Will you consider redoing my tattoo so I don’t have to be dicked around anymore?!

  16. Sasha Braman

    I would love a tattoo redo mine is not horrible but could possibly be bad This would be the best time to have a redo

  17. Andrea

    Hi there. Reaching out in hopes to be selected to participate in the new reality TV show, Tattoo Redo. When I was 17-years-old (underage), my mother permitted me to get a tattoo on my right ankle from a “friend” of hers. I chose a tattoo I thought looked really cool consisting of a pitch fork stabbed through a heart with a snake wrapped around it. Although I thought it looked cool, I did not realize until after I had the tattoo that it was a tattoo affiliated with a GANG…ugh! I lived with it for a few years until I had my daughter and then covered it up with a very poorly done rose with my daughter’s name. The tattoo is now 25-years old and nothing but a red and black blob. I have been a Children’s Protective Services worker and supervisor for 14-years and am super embarrassed by this blob on my ankle that I continuously hide from all….please help me!

  18. Jessica Moon

    My husband has HATE and LOVE tattooed on his arms in huge block letters done by a friend at his home. They look like a two year old colored on him with a sharpie that is running out of ink. I would really love to take him out without looking at these horrible inked words on him

  19. Taylor Lee

    The father of my daughter has a horrible tattoo on his back, it was supposed to be a puma and a cool design behind it but it looks like a small black kitty cat, with some weird smudged lines behind it. It is on his upper back and I just know he would love for a chance to get it covered.

    I also have a bad tattoo, I would do just about anything to get covered. It is my first tattoo, I got it my freshman year, it has initials by it, &it is SO scratchy being that no other needles would work, so we used a shading needle to do the lines, oops! It’s an adorable smiley on my inside left ankle.

  20. Bethany

    A FREE tattoo is NEVER a good idea!! I got a free tattoo from a chick my husband new (we were married for 13 years but are now divorced!!!). Not sure what he did or how he knew her that made the tattoo free but I went, and now have a permanent reminder of my ex and the chick he “somehow” new who agreed to do the thing for free. It is on my hip. A Celtic type cross with flowers around the bottom of it and Proverbs 31:25 written at the top. I am a brand new woman now that I am out of that marriage I have gained my strength and independence back and finally love who I am!! I have a new man in my life who is incredible. I would love nothing more than to turn this tattoo on my hip into something that shows who I am and showcases the strength I have as an independent woman.

  21. Kirsten Beausoleil

    I have a horrible tattoo on my back I got it illegally when I was 16 it’s angels wings on my shoulder blades but of course I’m 30 now and grew up and they are now far apart faded and look like chicken wings on my back HELP !! it’s one of my greatest embarrassments come summer time !



  23. Gianna

    My boyfriend has many, many tattoos. And many of them are bad. Including the word “trash” on his arm and a dead moose in an armchair on his chest. I personally would love to see them all covered with some badass designs, but when choosing one to get redone it’d have to be the one on his hip of his exes nick name that he specifically hates. He’s so embarassed of it and constantly covering it.

  24. Amy Altenberger

    I have a tattoo nobody can cover. Or wants to attempt. Me and my ex got matching tribal tattoos, this thing has no meaning and looks hideous on my ankle! Every time I look at this thing it makes me cry, I loved him but he didn’t want me in his life. I want this reminder gone so I can emotionally go on with my new relationship

  25. heather hughes

    I got a three for one special! About a decade and a half ago my mom asked my sister and I to get matching tattoos. We both were happy to do so. She picks the tattoo and tells the man to tattoo us with a black bear. We all picked different locations. My mom on her chest , my sister her back, and me on tricep. I made no secret that I wanted a tattoo there prior to us going. Mom goes first, then my sister, I’m the only one with a tattoo prior so I was last. I see what the man has stenciled, I was horrified! It was so bad! At this point my mom and sister already have this monstrosity on them, and I just couldn’t do them dirty and back out. I all but cried as the man inked that junk onto me. I took it because of love…now I could have gotten it anywhere, but I stuck with my tricep because of all the smack talking I had done about getting my next there. It is where it is because of my pride. I call it my love and pride tattoo yet I cover it up every chance I get. I get embarrassed when other ask me “ummm, what is that?” and fake laughter as they tell me what they thought it was; almost no one says bear! I have not wore a strappy anything in so long. When I ask my mom why did she pick such a mess, she blames it on the Whisky. If you were to choose us you would get three opportunities to showcase cover-ups and three opportunities to boost a bunch of hardworking ladies confidence!

  26. TM

    My best friend has a horrible and poorly done tattoo that takes up her entire right leg. She has complained about this for years and has a lot of shame about the tattoo she got in her early 20s along with body dysmorphia. I’d love to see her get this covered up and feel proud and confident about her body.

  27. Jamie L Housner

    Hi I would love to have my girlfriends arm tattoo covered. It’s bad, she got it at a young age and it really needs help.

  28. Jennifer

    My wife has a Rasta lion on her arm for the past 10years with no shading just a jagged outline, I can’t stand seeing it. I anything to cover this up is better than looking at the tacky artwork. She works hard to cover it up gently wearing anything with sleeves in the middle of summer in Florida. I love my wife but I wish she had something to be proud of.

  29. Sage

    My boyfriend has the outline of New York State outlined on his ribs by his friend who bought a tattoo gun. It’s terrible lol

  30. Brittany Hancock

    I have a friend who I would love to help her get something covered!!!


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