2022 Casting Call for Finding Einstein

By | February 14, 2022

Now Casting: Finding Einstein

The name Albert Einstein has become synonymous with transcendent genius; the fullest expression of human intellect.
Finding Einstein is an inspiring new docu-series that will seek out, celebrate and support a fresh generation of Einsteins. This series is executive produced by Ellen DeGeneres, Ellen’s AVGP (A Very Good Production), and Warner Bros. in association with Telepictures and The Einstein Estate.

Doron Ofir Casting is seeking a diverse group of young geniuses, emerging intellects in every field and discipline, all of them motivated to live up to Einstein’s ideal of changing the world for the better.

We are searching the nation for brilliant candidates in activism, science, mathematics, art, engineering, and music to give them an unprecedented opportunity to share their vision for the future.

Apply or nominate a young genius at: https://findingeinstein.castingcrane.com/
“Truly novel inventions emerge only in one’s youth. Later one becomes ever more experienced, famous-and foolish.”
– Albert Einstein

One thought on “2022 Casting Call for Finding Einstein

  1. George Dubec

    Send me info on casting for Baby Einstein.


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