Casting Call in Boston & NYC for Women With Migraines

By | February 1, 2022

Migraines – Conde Nast Entertainment X Self

Casting women in New York or Boston who have who have lived with migraines for a minimum of 2 years to share their stories for Conde Nast X Self.

In this series, we hear from a wide range of experts on migraines – from doctors to people who live with them. Each expert gives their golden pieces of solicited advice to help patients navigate life with migraine, leaving our participants and viewers with concrete information—whether they themselves live with migraine, or whether they want to be able to support those in their lives who do.

Those chosen will participate in a 1 or 2 day shoot the week of 2/28 and receive $1,000 per day. The video will appear on and Youtube.

COVID Protocols can be found below. Testing will be provided.



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