Casting People for “My Family Voted for Trump” Documentary Project

By | December 12, 2022

Docu-series casting call for families that are divided by politics.

Are you on one side of the political spectrum and your loved ones on the complete opposite? If so, producers Jordan Roberts, Michael Frick and Donna Smith, would like to hear all about your family and their opinions, as well as your own.  The documentary is looking for families that would like a chance to mend their differences within 5 US states which include California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida and Arizona.

This documentary project is seeking families who have recently felt like they have been divided by differing opinion. Documentary producers and their casting team is seeking divided Families who are still splintering under the pressures of an embattled political and social landscape. Participating Families will open their homes and share their struggles with our coaching team in hopes of finding reconciliation.

If the above sounds like you and your family, read on.  Please note this is not a paid project and the production is hoping that the families they cast will have a chance to rebuild their family ties which had been stretched or even broken in recent years.

Filming begins in mid-December 2022 through July 2023.

Casting Divided Families from the following five states: California, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Florida, Arizona. (We’ll start filming in California first, so we hope to cast our California Families as soon as possible.)

My Family Voted for Trump is a non-partisan, documentary feature film.

My Family Voted for Trump’s coaching team’s goal is to help shift families from seemingly insurmountable conflict to resolution by providing tools, inspiration and solutions that can be embraced by all people wishing to find resolution within their own divided families.

As families break apart because of intolerance, bickering or resentment, the resulting emotional volatility can leave loved ones feeling shamed, misunderstood, and abandoned. Many people believe belonging to a different political party or having conflicting views has become an acceptable reason to cut someone completely out of one’s life.

The MFVT coaching team will help fractured families resolve painful conflicts, repair their relationships and rediscover the love and bonds which used to unify them. But it remains to be seen if our families, as a reflection of our greater society, will be able to reach this ideal point.

Through daring, cinematic storytelling, MFVT will spark a valuable national conversation around the power of love, forgiveness, empathy, healing and building greater community as families and as a nation.

Our documentary film will offer a chance to consider the best and worst of ourselves, to reimagine the possibility of second chances and to experience the authentic power of love, compassion, and resiliency that exists in each of us, if we only hear the call.

This is an unpaid opportunity. Families will benefit from working with our coaching team.

To be considered, please email us a letter of interest: tell us a little bit about your family dynamic, where you live, and why you would like to be considered for our project. Email address: and

“My Family Voted for Trump’s goal is to bring families and our nation back together during this historic area of discord. Our families don’t need to be divided; and neither does America.” – Jordan Roberts, producer.

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