Casting People Wanting to Sue in Small Claims Court “Court Night Live” on A&E

By | September 22, 2022

Does somebody owe you money and you are thinking of suing them?

A&E’s COURT NIGHT LIVE is seeking small claims cases to be heard and settled this fall.

The show will be filming in Philly, PA, Tampa, FL and Chicago, IL very soon and they are seeking people who cases that they would like to resolve on “Court Night Live.

Don’t want to wait 2+ years for a court date? Eager to get your money back NOW? Tell us about your case & let A&E’s judges settle it for you!

Have you been fighting an ex over custody of a pet you adopted when y’all were together?
Does your friend drink too much, and when they trashed your car it was the last straw?
Does your neighbor refuse to abide by the property lines?
Is your local deli lying to people about the kind of meat they serve?

Did a photographer refuse to pay you for your work, but still posted the images to his Instagram?

If you have a dispute you’d like settled by a judge, we’d love to hear from you! COMPENSATION IS PROVIDED in addition to whatever damages the judge might award.

And, if you live in Philadelphia, Chicago or Tampa, apply directly to the casting director:

Looking for new cases for Court Night Live. Filming in Philadelphia, Tampa and Chicago! Appearance fee is $500. If you’re interested and have a case call Sarah at 773-344-5221. Email is

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