Casting Adult Children Living at Home for Docu Series “Failure to Launch”

By | September 25, 2023


Are you, or do you know someone who is deeply concerned about the situation of an adult child residing with their parents and is in need of support? A respected television production company, in collaboration with a prominent cable network, is in the process of casting for a documentary series that delves into the real-life experiences of grown adults living with their parents while grappling with the challenge of attaining independence beyond the support of their families.

This empowering and candid series will engage the expertise of professionals to aid both parents and adult children in understanding the root causes of their challenges and laying the foundation for a self-sufficient and healthy future.


  • Are you, your adult-child, or someone you know exhibiting any of the following?
  • Do you need your adult-child out of the house and are desperate for help/change?
  • Are there financial or emotional concerns regarding the adult-child, and their future if something doesn’t change?
  • Not financially independent? No significant employment?
  • Little or no ambition and/or low motivation? Struggles to find direction or a path for life?
  • Resistant and struggles to take on responsibilities or independence?
  • Lack of romantic or social life?

Are you or someone you know, worried about what will happen to the parents/child/family if something doesn’t change?
If this resonates with you or someone you know, then this might be an opportunity to make an important and positive change in their life. Selected candidates will receive compensation and expert assistance.

To be considered, please send an email to:
Your name (relationship to adult child), a bio about the family and adult-child, phone and email, social media handles, several photos and any other relevant information.

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