LMU Student Film Holding Actor Auditions in Los Angeles Area

By | February 20, 2023


Just Like Me

Director: Quetzali Lopez
Project: LMU 490 Thesis
Shoot Dates: March 24-26

A comic artist turned convict teams up with her twelve-year-old mentee to escape house arrest and attend an alumni awards ceremony at her old elementary school.

Casting for…
Itzel: Female, 23-28, Latina/Hispanic – A former gifted kid who has hit a point of “rock bottom” in her life. She’s smart, snarky, and brutally honest, especially with her mentee, Luz. Although on the outside, she’s rough around the edges, she just wants to look out for Luz and spare her from a life of disappointment.
Luz: Female, 12-14, Latina/Hispanic – A gifted kid who takes her education very seriously and is confident in her skills. She’s super smart and clever but also sassy and stubborn, especially when people get in the way of what she wants.
Dolores: Female, 50-60, Latina/Hispanic – A hardworking mother and entrepreneur, who runs a bakery with her daughter, Itzel. Although Dolores can be tough and critical, she is caring and supportive of her daughter.

If interested, please email Director Quetzali Lopez at qlopez1@lion.lmu.edu for script sides and audition dates.
Video auditions preferred. In person auditions will be announced at a future date for actresses of both protagonists to run a scene together.

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