Nationwide Casting Call for People With Suspicious Partners

By | December 14, 2023

Currently Casting: Suspicions Unveiled!

Do you think your partner has something to hide?  Would you love a chance to learn the truth and maybe prove that your suspicions are justified?

A TV reality show is seeking folks who have suspicions that their partner may be unto no good.

Are you ready to go on a journey with a new investigative reality show that takes your evidence of questionable behavior by your partner and delivers the answers you’ve been seeking?


  • Have you found proof or evidence that your lover, family member, friend, or business associate is doing you wrong?
  • Did money in your joint bank account suddenly start disappearing?
  • Did a family member steal your inheritance and you have proof?
  • Did you see a text message, receipt, bank statement, or find ANY proof that someone you know is doing you wrong?
  • Do you feel like someone you love is doing something secretive and you need help finding out what it is?


If you suspect someone close to you is harboring secrets, and you need assistance uncovering the truth, we’re here to help!

Have you stumbled upon proof or indicators that your significant other, family member, friend, or business associate is engaged in questionable actions? Whether it’s unexplained withdrawals from your joint bank account, the discovery of a deceitful family member pilfering your inheritance, or stumbling upon incriminating texts, receipts, or bank statements, we want to hear your story.

Apply now at

Applicants must be 18 or older to apply.

Compensation provided if your story is chosen .

Nationwide shoots to be determined. Please note that production will come to the talent’s location.

Looking for more auditions for reality television shows?


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