Theater Auditions in D.C. for Paid Reading of Dua: The Monster’s Story by Robin Berl

By | July 5, 2023

Theatre Prometheus is casting for an in person reading of Dua: The Monster’s Story by Robin Berl.
This is a paid opportunity.

Dua: The Monster’s Story reclaims the Medusa myth, giving voice to the woman called “monster.” We follow Dua, a woman hunted, as she takes refuge in a cave and creates a home for herself and the children she now carries within her. Dua must face the trauma of the rape that pushed her down this path, her goddess-given ability to turn living things to stone, and the impossibility of ever being allowed to return home. As Dua’s belly grows, so does her power. Ultimately, in confronting the goddess who transformed her and the hero fated to kill her, she is forced to decide how best to protect herself and those she loves.

Set when the gods ruled with vengeance and women were wives and mothers or nothing at all, Dua: The Monster’s Story exists both frozen in time and outside of time. It holds a mirror to the past and the present, daring us to question society to create a better future. This play demands: Why are some called heroes while others are condemned to be monsters? Who gets to make that choice? And what choices are left, in the end, for a woman alone?”

Character Descriptions:

  • DUA 20s, she/her, any race, pregnant with twins, She wears what would have been suitable for her house of workshop that was luckily roomy enough to accommodate her changing body.
  • ATHENA 30s, she/her, any race. She wears military dress. She is infinitely wise and just. She can never make a mistake.
  • EURYALE 20s, she/her, any race. DUA’s twin sister, older by eight minutes. In Scene 5, she wears clothing that would be suitable for both work and her house of worship. In Scene 9, a funeral.
  • THE HERO 20s, he/him, any race. He has something to prove, especially that he’s “one of the good ones”. He is dressed in police riot gear. He wears night-ops goggles and carries a mirrored anti-riot shield.

Theatre Prometheus is a non-union theatre company based in Washington, DC. Theatre Prometheus encourages all people to submit, and does not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, gender (including gender identity and expression), sexual orientation, body size, disability, or religious affiliation.
Rehearsals: **3-4 rehearsals will be scheduled between August 18 and September 1 **based on actor availability. Rehearsals will take place in the evenings or on weekends.

Performance dates: **Saturday, September 2 at 10:15am **at the Kennedy Center in Washington DC.
Auditions will be self-taped. Please prepare a one minute contemporary monologue.

Please send headshot, resume, conflicts for August 18-September 1, and your taped audition to by Wednesday July 12th. If necessary, callbacks will be scheduled the week of July 17th.
Actors will be paid a $75 stipend.

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