Theater Auditions Mia Muddle in ‘A Forest Tale’ – Brisbane, Australia

By | August 31, 2023

Mia Muddle in ‘A Forest Tale’

Location: Brisbane, Australia

Audition / Call Type: Theater



Note: These are fully paid roles which will be awarded on a short term contract basis and will include superannuation contributions at 10.5%

PRODUCTION: Mia Muddle in ‘A Forest Tale’

SHOW TYPE: Musical Theatre Production

STAGED AT: The Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre

PERFORMANCE DATES: Frid – Sun 12th, 13th, 14th January 2024.
Two performances each day – Noon & 4pm.

REHEARSAL DATES : Off site: 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th January 2024
On site: 9th, 10th, 11th January 2024

READINGS: Anticipate three preliminary three hour hour reading sessions (probably evenings) in December TBC

AUDITION DATE: Saturday 30th September 2023

AUDITION DATE DAY 2: (If required) Sunday 31st September 2023

CALL BACK – If required Saturday 7th October 2023

AUDITION VENUE Audition venue will be in Brisbane – TBC.

AVAILABLE ROLES: 1. Female Principal Lead
2. Male Principal Lead
3. Junior Principal Female
4. Junior Principal Male
5. Female Supporting Role
6. Male Supporting Role

ELIGIBILITY: You must be a resident in Brisbane or have access to
your own accommodation arrangements in Brisabne
for the production period.


1. Female Principal Lead – MILDRED
Actor age 25-45
Character age 35-40

Mildred narrates the show whilst also playing the female lead role.
Mildred is on stage for much of the show.

Character Brief
A “favourite crazy aunt” character who is eccentric and social with a quirky sense of humour.
A great storyteller who at times directly engages with the audience.
Mildred is a romantic who seems to have given up on finding a man and has settled for the single life – well almost.
Central the love story subplot, she meets a man and the pair initially do not see eye to eye at all, leading to humorous interactions between them throughout the show. However, her inner (and outer) beauty is re-awakened and they finally fall for each other in a big way.
Mildred is a little vain in an endearing way but has recently let herself go a little and initially looks a little unkempt. This changes during the show as she undergoes a full makeover onstage, becoming attractive, vivacious and quite the catch.

Required Abilities
Musical theatre trained
Vocalist. (One solitary vocal performance and three duet/company)
Comedic timing/Pantomime
Simple dance abilities (swing style) – This can be coached and learned.


2. Male Principal Lead – MAGNUS
Actor age 25-45
Character age 35-40

Magnus is the male lead character as well as the main comedic role but with a powerful stage charisma and presence.

Character Brief
A lost and useless pirate who has mislaid his ship and is now a wandering castaway. He stumbles into the story uninvited and initially makes a constant nuisance of himself.
A character with outward bluster although underneath he is a kind romantic soul who looks out for others without being asked to and see’s the best in everyone.
A true gentleman but also a little clumsy socially, he tends to make a fool of himself and say the wrong things at inopportune moments.
As the show plays out his initial bumbling ineptitude and disheveled look transforms into a strong confident masculine character with irresistible stage charisma.

Required Abilities
Musical theatre trained
Vocalist. (Sings in three scenes with others.)
Comedic timing/Pantomime
Simple dance abilities (swing style) – This can be coached and learned.


3. Junior Principal Female – MIA
Actor age 11-15
Character age 10 -12

Mia is central to the story -The show carries her name. She is the main protagonist and the story is essentially about her.

Character Brief
Mia is bright, spirited, social and fearless.
A confident caring young person who loves her family but can be a little obstinate.
She possesses natural maternal instincts and as a typical big sister, looks out for her baby brother.

Required Abilities
Musical theatre trained
Vocalist – Sings in two scenes with others.
Simple dance abilities to join in dance sequences with adult characters – This can be coached.


4. Junior Principal Male – SAM
Actor age 10-13
Character age 8-9

Sam is Mia’s little brother

Character Brief
A typical boy of the age
Tend to get a little distracted and can sometime be not quite with the program.
A “sweet boy” who is happy just to amble along through life, although his confidence grows throughout the show.

Required Abilities
Musical theatre trained
Vocalist abilities might be utilised if available but this is not essential.
Simple dance abilities to join in dance sequences with adult characters – This can be coached.


5. Female Supporting Role – HANNAH
Actor age 25-45
Character age 30-35

Hannah is Mia and Sam’s mum.
Hannah plays a maternal role in the show.

Character Brief
Caring and loving, disciplined and stable.
The anchor of the family.
Gentle, wise and strongly maternal with deep connections to her children..

Required Abilities
Musical theatre trained
Vocalist – Sings in two scenes with others.


6. Male Supporting Role – HENRY
Actor age 25-45
Character age 35-40

Henry is Mia and Sam’s dad.
He plays a paternal role in the show.

Character Brief
A strong father figure – caring but firm.
The authority figure in the family.
He loves his family more than anything.

Required Abilities
Musical theatre trained
Vocalist – Sings in one scene with others.


Payment: Paid


City or Location of call: Brisbane, Australia


Please submit to: by 09/27/2023 12:00 PM

1. Auditions must be attended in person, in Brisbane, on the dates above.

2. The more comprehensive your resume and supporting media, the more we can assess your suitability to attend an audition.

3. Having Musical Theatre training is essential. – Experience is not.

4. Please self assess your suitability against the required criteria as laid out in the 6 available roles above.

This casting notice was posted by: Production Projects

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