UK Casting Call for People in the UK with Good Stories

By | June 27, 2023

CASTING CALL: REAL PEOPLE (aged 25-45, any gender, UK-based, paid role)

To tell their best TRUE story to JOE Media for an online video, sponsored by a beer brand.

Do you have an incredible story that people refuse to believe is true?
Or perhaps you have a mate with an unbelievable story that you suspect may be exaggerated?
JOE are casting real people with a story that sounds too good to be true (but is!), as well as a friend to ask them questions about it. Stories will be featured in a social media video series, sponsored by a beer brand.

– Claim to fame, like a romantic encounter with a celebrity (we wouldn’t include their name).
– Hero story, for instance saving someone’s life.
– Near-death experience, such as narrowly avoiding a shark attack.
– Big boasts, like playing against a Premier League footballer in a school tournament, or even scoring a wonder goal in a pub match.

(Paid, non-union. Branded content by JOE Media, sponsored by an alcohol brand. We are keen to hear from pairs of friends who are 25-45 years-old, male or female. Shoots will occur in Central London in early July.)

The story can be any momentous thing that has happened to you… Just think of the one you would tell in the pub!
Please email with ‘Cock and Bull Story’ in the subject line, a photo each of yourself and your friend, and a few sentences summing up your story.

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