Columbia’s Haunted Lantern Tour Guide Auditions in Columbia, PA

By | June 27, 2024

Columbia’s Haunted Lantern Tour Auditions

The tour is holding auditions for tour guides who would love a chance to dress up in costumes and take visitors on a journey through history.

This volunteer opportunity is perfect for those who love performing and are intrigued by the supernatural, blending theatrics with historical storytelling to create a memorable experience for all attendees. Columbia’s Haunted Lantern Tour offers a unique blend of historical education and spooky entertainment.

Actors, dressed in period costumes, bring to life both historical figures and original characters, illuminating the town’s eerie tales and haunted lore.


Auditions for Columbia’s Haunted Lantern Tour:

Saturday, July 13th, 2024, from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Art Printing Company, 131 Locust Street, Columbia.

No prior experience is required, and there are no lines to prepare in advance.
All positions are volunteer-based.
Participants will wear period costumes and portray historical figures as well as original characters.

We look forward to expanding our non-profit, community-based theatre family every year. New faces are always welcomed to join in the fun! Whether you are a seasoned stage performer or an amateur actor just starting out, your home is here.
Please note that all acting positions are non-paid, volunteer only.

Whether you’re a history buff or a thrill-seeker, the tour offers a captivating experience for all.

Email: [email protected]


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