Docu-Series Casting Those Abandoned By a Spouse – Nationwide

  • Post category:Docu-series
  • Post last modified:09/03/2024
  • Reading time:2 mins read

Now Casting: Suddenly Abandoned By Your Spouse? Docu-Series for Major Cable Network (Paid – Nationwide)

Casting husband and wives who are living through the sudden, unexplained disappearance/abandonment of their spouse. Seeking people who have been left with questions, confusion, and a life to reassemble. An acclaimed television production company and major cable network is currently seeking husbands and wives who have been suddenly, without warning, abandoned by their spouse to take part in a transformative documentary television series that will help bring closure and answers to deserted spouses.
Seeking individuals who:

  • Have experienced the sudden disappearance of their spouse and are still legally married.
  • Have not had any contact with their spouse and are unable to locate or communicate with them.
  • Are willing to share their story and their journey of locating their spouse and re-building their lives.

Selected participants for the series will be compensated for sharing their story and will receive life-changing expert/professional help in the process. This is your opportunity to share your story and move on in life with your family and loved ones.


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