Football Players in New York for TV Series “Recess”

By | April 17, 2024

GWCI is Seeking Real Football Players for Limited Series, RECESS

A television series titled Recess is filming in the New York City area and they are seeking actual football players to work on set.

Interested?  If you live in the New York area you can send your information to them in order to be considered for the paid extras job.

Include the following:
-Phone Number
-Confirm availability for 4/23
-Union Status, SAG or Non Union
-Attach clear and current photo
-What football experience do you have?
-Confirm 18 years of age & in NYC area
-Height, Weight, Shirt, Pants, Shoe Size

Must be available Tuesday April 23rd, must be 18+ and local to NYC, must have real football experience.

Please email recess@gwcnyc with subject line: Football 4/23


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