Nationwide Auditions for Actors to Star in “Chinese School” Movie – Lead & Supporting Roles

By | January 29, 2024



EDDIE – (SUPPORTING FEATURED ROLE / Male, 5-13, Black or Latino)

EDDIE, 5 to 13, is the beloved drummer in Abigail’s church band. Precocious and quick-witted, he’s a musical prodigy!

For the role of EDDIE, casting is open to male-identifying talent, who are between the ages of 5-20 from the NYC metro area. Bonus points if talent can really play the drums!


SIDONIE – (SUPPORTING FEATURED ROLE / Female, 18, non-East Asian and non-White)

SIDONIE, 18, is likely the coolest person you’ve seen in a long while. Everything she does seems effortless. She is a French international student, hailing from a working-class ethnic enclave of Strasbourg. She studies dance at Sarah Lawrence College and is Cindy’s girlfriend.

For the role of SIDONIE, casting is open to non-East Asian and non-White female-identifying talent, who are between the ages of 18-30 from the NYC metro area. We are looking for a real dancer/choreographer for this role. Please note that it is not a requirement for Sidonie to have a French background, as the director is open to adapting the role to whoever is cast. Must be able to pull off a non-American accent.



Stern and relentlessly fair, PRINCIPAL HUANG runs a tight ship at the weekend Chinese language school that she founded more than three decades ago. Her own kids (now adults) are Ivy League-educated lawyers and doctors (but with middling Chinese language skills), but she has a soft spot for her nephew Owen, a still-aspiring actor in his 40s.

For the role of PRINCIPAL HUANG, casting is open to female-identifying talent of East Asian descent who are between the ages of 55-90 from anywhere in the United States. Travel and accommodations will be provided for talent from outside the NYC metro area. Whoever is cast for PRINCIPAL HUANG will need to be able to speak Mandarin fluently. We are also interested in PRINCIPAL HUANG’s ability to speak an additional Chinese dialect, such as Taiwanese Hokkien or Shanghainese.


MRS. YANG – (SUPPORTING FEATURED ROLE / Female, 70s-80s, Chinese)

A stalwart at the Chinese language school that Jacky attends, MRS. YANG is a firm believer that the best way to learn is through extremely old-school repetition and memorization. This might work if her American pupils applied themselves in her classes even just a little bit. She looks ancient, particularly in a classroom of teenagers, and seems quite frail.

For the role of MRS. YANG, casting is open to female-identifying talent of East Asian descent, who are between the ages of 60-100 and based in the NYC metro area. Whoever is cast for MRS. YANG will need to be able to speak Mandarin fluently.

CALVIN – (SUPPORTING FEATURED ROLE / Male, 28, Chinese American)

Monica’s brother CALVIN, 28, has spent his life thus far shirking his responsibilities and taking the easy way out—even when fulfilling his responsibilities and doing things the right way aren’t too difficult. Into fast cars, electronic music, shooting guns, and getting his arms (aka Calvin’s Gun Show) as big as possible, Calvin just wants you to think he’s cool.

For the role of CALVIN, casting is open to male-identifying talent of East Asian descent , who are between the ages of 21-35 and from the NYC metro area.



MR. ZHOU – (SUPPORTING ROLE / Male, 50s, Chinese)

MR. ZHOU is Monica’s overworked father. He has devoted every cent to his name and every ounce of his being to keeping afloat his Flushing grocery store. If you were to look up “fatigued” or “overworked” in the dictionary, you’d find a portrait of Mr. Zhou, who has dark, deep bags under his eyes.

For the role of MR. ZHOU, casting is open to male-identifying talent of East Asian descent, who are between the ages of 50-60 and from the NYC metro area. Whoever is cast for MR. ZHOU will need to be able to speak Mandarin fluently.


WANG – (SUPPORTING ROLE / Male, 15, Chinese American)

WANG, 15, is the jokester of his weekend Chinese school class. He hails from tony Whitestone (an upper-/upper-middle-class Queens suburb) but tries hard to seem more “urban.”

For the role of WANG, casting is open to male-identifying talent of East Asian descent, who are between the ages of 14-25 and from the NYC metro area.


DENG – (SUPPORTING ROLE / Male, 14, Chinese American)

Rail-thin and bespectacled, DENG, 14 is Wang’s sidekick. Deng is grateful for any attention from his classmates.

For the role of DENG, casting is open to male-identifying talent of East Asian descent, who are between the ages of 14-25 and from the NYC metro area.

See next pages for all the submission details.

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