TV Commercial Holding Dog Auditions in Cleveland

By | April 15, 2024

Cleveland doggie auditions.

A local casting company based in Cleveland, Ohio is holding doggie auditions for an upcoming TV commercial. The dogs will be needed for a commercial shoot in May.

TRG Multimedia is in search of four canine stars to feature in a paid shoot during the week of May 6th. They are seeking 4 dogs local to the Cleveland area of various breeds and ages.  The casting company is keeping the name of their client under wraps, so not sure what products or services the doggies will be pushing but of course, the dogs wouldn’t care but there are some basic requirements.  All dogs must be sociable, good with people of all ages, and proficient in basic commands like sit, stay, lay down, and come.

See what else is filming in Cleveland.

They are looking for a playful, kid-friendly dog with high energy, ideally a German short-haired or similar breed, as well as a well-trained spaniel capable of knocking something over and comfortable around both men and women. Additionally, they need a younger, high-energy dog (six to nine months old) that can be briefly separated from its owner, and a small, purebred, miniature poodle or similar breed with a unique haircut as a bonus.

Here is the list of dogs they are looking for:

Playful, good with kids and lots of energy, however, not a puppy, German short-haired or similar.
Spaniel, well-trained, able to knock something over, good with people.
Puppy (6 to 9months of age) with lots of energy.
Small, purebred, miniature poodle or a dog very similar. Uniquely groomed is a plus on the poodle.

To apply, interested dog owners can email with images of their dogs, along with their contact information and any scheduling conflicts for the week of May 6th. FYI, there is a deadline to apply which is Friday, April 19th.

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