Virtual Actor Auditions for History Web Series – Remote

Documentary Project on YouTube Exploring Modern Issues Through the Perspectives of Historical Figures.

Location: Home recording (using personal camera)

Audition / Call Type: Films

Role: Male actor, aged 24-40, without a beard, who will read a script on camera from home, portraying a well-known historical figure.


1. Home Recording: No time spent commuting.
2. Payment: $50 for 8 A4 pages of text.
3. Convenience: Use a teleprompter app and simply read the script on camera.

Project Description:

We are creating a documentary project where actors portray historical figures responding to contemporary issues such as gender choice, film industry quotas for Oscar nominations, and movements like MeToo and Black Lives Matter. Actors will record the provided script at home.

Location: Home recording (using personal camera).

Payment: $50 per hour of work.


Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Home recording (using personal camera)
Please submit to: by 09/08/2024

To participate, please send two of your photos to

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