You Concerned About Your Friend Getting Married? Los Angeles

By | June 9, 2024

Do You Know An Engaged Couple That You’re Concerned About Getting Married? (Major Network-Paid-Los Angeles Area)

Is there someone in your family who is engaged but you are concerned about getting married due to unanswered questions, secrets, red flags and other unexplained parts of their lives or their relationship?

In your opinion, would having the engaged couple answer probing questions with the help of an unbiased, third-party-expert help their relationship or make you or the rest of the family more comfortable with the engagement?
Do you believe that the couple has unanswered questions, secrets and blind spots regarding key-elements of their relationship?

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For example: past-relationships, ex’s, personal finances, family issues, unexplained secrets, concerning behavior, red flags, etc? Have you pleaded with your family or friend to ask important questions before proceeding to get married?

Or do you have suspicions and concerns? Do you think that an honest, 100% transparent conversation would bring clarity to a seemingly questionable relationship? If so, we want to meet you and the couple for an all-new, paid social experiment.

This is a PAID project. The family AND the engaged couple must live in the Los Angeles area and both the family and engaged couple must be willing to participate.
To be considered, please email: Your name and phone number, names/ages for the engaged couple, recent photos, location (city and state) brief bio why you want to nominate a couple, social handles if possible.



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