Short Horror Student Film, “Echoes of the Damned”
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Audition / Call Type: Films
Casting Call – “Echoes of the Damned”
We are looking to cast the roles of Spencer, No Face, Kevin, Jenny, and Spencer’s Mom for our no-budget student horror short film, “Echoes of the Damned”.
This short film follows Spencer West, a 22-year-old, who is being tormented by a man with No Face due to the horrible act he committed.
The characters needed are as follows:
Spencer: Late teens/Early 20’s, Thin build
No Face: Late 20’s/Early 30’s, Strong build
Kevin: Late teens/Early 20’s
Jenny: Late teens/Early 20’s
Spencer’s Mom: Late 40’s/Early 50’s
Filming is to take place in Dublin in mid-late January
Payment: Non-Paid
City or Location of call: Dublin, Ireland
Please submit to: by 01/08/2025
If interested, please contact