Home » Auditions By Region » Arkansas » R&B Singers in Little Rock, Arkansas and Texarkana

R&B Singers in Little Rock, Arkansas and Texarkana

By | February 5, 2025

The Music District – Formation of an All-Male R&B/Soul, Alternative, and Pop Trio

Location: Little Rock, AR; Conway, AR; Pine Bluff, AR; Memphis, TN; Dallas, TX; Texarkana, AR

Audition / Call Type: Singers

Looking at forming a 3-member all-male singing group specializing in R&B/Soul, Alternative, and Pop with powerful lead vocals. Candidates must be Black/African American males between the ages of 23-28, located in Little Rock, AR; Conway, AR; Pine Bluff, AR. Also, members located in Memphis, TN; Dallas, TX; or Texarkana, AR are eligible. Gospel roots are preferred (especially with a background in hymns) and a passion for sharing the gift of song is a must.

If you meet these requirements and are interested, please send:

  • A clear picture
  • One video of you singing a cappella (no music or filters; additional videos are encouraged)
  • Your Instagram and any other social media links
  • Your location, age, and birthday
  • A list of singers you admire, look up to, or are inspired by
  • (Optional) One song you’d remake if given the chance and why

All submissions will receive a response. We hope to complete casting by or before May 2025. Dedication and the ability to commit time to this project are essential.

Payment: Non-Paid

City or Location of call: Little Rock, AR; Conway, AR; Pine Bluff, AR; Memphis, TN; Dallas, TX; Texarkana, AR
Please submit to: dejva.popoola@gmail.com by 06/01/2025 12:00 AM

Send your photo, a cappella video, social media details, and the requested information to the recruitment email below. Please ensure that all requested details are included in your submission.

This casting notice was posted by: The Music District

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