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Disney Auditions and Nickelodeon Auditions – How the Scam Works

So, you have a kid that wants to be on the Disney Channel?

Here is info about how Disney Channel auditions work and how to prevent your kid and yourself being taken advantage by those that see dollar signs in your child’s dream of being a Disney star.

The Disney Audition pitch (from people who have nothing to do with Disney, Disney Channel, Disney+ or any subsidiary)

Just about every kid from Canada, the U.S. and all the way to Australia would love to be a Disney Channel star. Most kids watch the shows and say “I can do that too”, and maybe they can.

Scammers everywhere know this and have created scams that play on those dreams. They run ads online, in papers and on the radio aimed at getting these people to attend their events in an attempt to separate them from their money.

Is it legal? Yes. Here’s why.

You are driving with your kids and a radio ad comes on saying “Does your child want to be a Disney Channel Star? Auditions are being held this weekend. Call some number and book your slot”.

What you hear in the quick 30 second sales pitch is “Disney Channel Audition”. What they actually said was “Does your child want to be a Disney Star?” They never actually say that this is an audition for Disney. None of these so called auditions are affiliated with the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. They are held in places far from the actual Disney Studios in Burbank.

It is a classic ‘bait and switch’ sales tactic. They lure people to these events dropping the Disney brand. After people call the number, they are given a time and place to go. They make it sound very real by telling the parents to bring photos and to dress up as if to meet real casting directors. Some of these groups go as far as booking convention rooms at Disneyland resorts or hotels just to make it look more legit and connected with Disney.

These events draw thousands of hopefuls and once there the entire room gets a sales pitch of how their children can be rich and famous. Each family will meet with a sales person who will use a title like ‘talent scout’ or something that sounds meaningful in Hollywood. The sales person (‘talent scout’, ‘casting agent’, ‘talent director’, ‘whatever’) will then take the child in for an ‘evaluation’. To make it look more legit they may have the child read a few lines, pose, or do something to demonstrate their talent. They will go on and explain that only a small percentage of children are good enough for them and miraculously, your child is perfect, except… for a lack of training, a portfolio and whatever else they would like to sell you.

This is where the hard pitch begins. They tell you that your child has all the potential to be the next big Disney star, but only if they take some very expensive acting classes from them, buy an expensive portfolio, or a number of other services they are trying to push. They never come out and actually say they  “are casting for Disney”  because that would be fraud. But they play on words to make you believe that they are somehow affiliated with Disney or Nickelodeon. They often drop Disney star names and even pay ex Disney stars to attend these events.

The cost? thousands. How much they tell you it will cost depends on how much money they think you have. People have reported being asked to pay $2000 to $8000 at the same event for the same services.

Why the price discrepancy? Because the so called “talent scouts” are nothing more than commissioned sales people who wouldn’t know talent if it fell on their heads. They make their living off commissions from sales, they push whatever they think you are willing or capable of paying so they make something off of you… the sucker. These commissioned sales people masquerading as “talent scouts” can make as much as 40% of the sale, so getting you to sign a $5000 contract puts $2000 in their personal pocket.

These one-on-one evaluations are usually nothing more than the sales people evaluating the parents for financial means. They look at the clothes the parents are wearing and other factors to decide which package to try to sell.

Just like other hard sales pitches, they add a time constraint. They try to get you to make a decision on the spot by claiming that this opportunity will go to another kid if you do not do it NOW! Why the time constraint? Simple, they do not want you to go home and think about it, ask your friends or do your research.

These scams work well for the scammers. If only 50 people of the 1000 actually go for it, that is a 1 day profit of over $100,000 for them… not bad. Once they hooked you in and you actually pay for whatever inferior service they are pitching, they have a entire line up of other services to sell you later. Some people have complained that they were out over $30,000 over this. These companies also have solid contracts that make it difficult to cancel or get a refund after you have signed up.

Once they get the first payment, you feel invested and they make you feel like paying for this, that and the other will make your kid a star.

Protect yourself!

Disney Channel never runs ads on the radio or ads of any kind for sites other then their own websites.  Recently, Disney lawyers even got involved after numerous consumer complaints but there are just too many companies doing this and their lawyers can’t go after them all. Even if they get shut down, they re-open right away under a different name.

Real auditions for Disney Channel never have any fees! They will never sell classes, conventions or make promises of fame and fortune. There are millions of kids with dreams of Disney stardom, the reality is that there is only room for a handful in the few Disney shows airing.

If your child wants to act, stay away from anyone promising a fast track to fame – THERE IS NONE, unless you are related to Hollywood producers or Will Smith. Get your kids some reasonably priced acting classes to start and take it from there.

you can also read these articles

In Florida, where many of these are held, a Disney Channel spokesman had this to say…

“Disney Channel is not affiliated with any acting school or acting workshop, and has not authorized a talent search in Jacksonville, Florida,” said Patti McTeague.

“Disney hires talent two ways, through agents or an authorized casting call,” she added.

Officials also had this to say “Disney Channel television movies cast principal roles in Los Angeles, usually from within the Disney ranks” – what that means is they cast actors they have already worked with for leads in new shows.


You  can also read Disney Auditions on the  Radio

Modeling and Acting Scams

modeling scams and photo mills



227 thoughts on “Disney Auditions and Nickelodeon Auditions – How the Scam Works”

  1. Hello my name is Magtalia! I live in Yonkers New York. These are the top 3 reasons why you should pick me for Nickelodeon.
    1. I’m 13 and I can sing better than Beyonce & i can dance too.
    2. I have experience in school, I did play’s. I’m funny, people tell me that I’m hilarious.
    I’m a joker, educated, smart, a whole lot of fun!!
    3. Also one of my main goals in life were plan A to become a youtube sensation than become famous or plan B. to just be an actor.
    So these are the top [3] I can give you for now,thank you for the time
    and please, if any updates, please tell me, thank you and have a blessed day.

  2. It’s always been my dream to be on TV. My parents think that I shouldn’t sell my self out to world, but I think it would awesome, I mean the fame, money, why shouldn’t I be on TV?

  3. Hello! My name is Andre! I live in a small city, Camp Springs, Maryland. I am 12 years old and I’ve always dreamed of being an actor! I know that I will make it as an actor, move to Los Angeles, and live a good life. My fingers are crossed and I know that I will experience some great things this month! I really hope and pray that you read this and make my dream come true.

  4. I’m Andre’ and I’m 12 years old! I live in a small city in Maryland, called Camp Springs. I always dreamed of being one of the next big famous Hollywood stars as acting, moving to Los Angeles, and having a good life as an actor! I know I can do it and I know my dream will come true before this month is over! 😉

  5. I’m Cristina, I am 15 years old and I like acting . Becoming an actress on Disney is my biggest dream and this is the reason why I learned English (I live in Romania) . I want to become an actress on Disney and if this happens my dream comes true. Please make it happen and give my a chance.

  6. hi! I’m SIMONE!!! I have always wanted to be on disney channel! I love all your shows and jokes!! I at least want to meet someone that acts (skai jackson,chyna mcclaine,debby ryan, selena gomez and etc.)on disney channel.It has been my dream to become famous or be friends with disney channel stars.I always see them having fun on the summer time commercials with all the stars (so jealous at that point). I love all the stars and actors.Can you please help me. I love all you guys on TV .I use to even get a glow stick (or make a stick) and whenever someone goes on the disney channel watching part I use to say I’m Simone and your watching Disney channel. I love singing,dancing,and FASHION!!!!!!!Can you guys please let me get on this channel!!!My dream has been going since I have been 6. I’m 11.You can always start young.But I love you guys.*fingers crossed*hope I make it!!!!!!

  7. Hi I’m Shannel, I’m 12 and I always wanted to be on tv to have have my chance in life. I always watched all these shows on nickelodeon and Disney channel and wondered what if that were me on tv with fans. It would be my dream to be on tv. I hope you read this comment and hope to give me a chance and make my dream come true.

  8. I was always that kid who was non described. Who hid because I thought I was nobody.
    But when I open the script I feel like I can be anyone I want. I can be me. acting is who I am. I’m 13 going on 14 waiting, wanting to fill my passion with a dream and that is acting. So please this is me. acting is who I am.

  9. Hey,hola and bonjour
    My name is Elsy I have been watching Disney since I was 6 years old and nickelodeon since I was 7 years old.
    I remember watching Phil of the future every 21:00 at night.
    Back to the topic, so I’m 13 years old and I’ve been acting at the age of 5 years old.
    I tried to enter the nickelodeon KCA’s award twice but I wasn’t picked.
    I tried to audition for one direction’s new show, but for some reason my phone lost connection.
    I can sing, dance and act, plus I play a few instruments.

    I would say that I talk a lot and never seem to stop. I love acting like Selena Gomez (my favorite celebrity),Ariana Grande and Harry styles (even though he is a guy)hahahaha
    My favorite colours are purple and black. I hate sushi because it’s fish and I’m piceis so it feels like I eat my family.

    I was born on saint Patrick’s Day! yes you guessed it I was born on 17 March, my friends call me a leplecoin and ask me for “my pot of gold”.

    I have a crush on Jaden Smith(so embarrassed).
    I do not have a agent 🙁 and I have black hair I’m kind of have China McClain colour of skin.
    I love Karate “HEEYAA”
    I love Paris and my parents know french so yeah I kind of know french.

    I love junk food, but never get fat. I love pranking people and every April Fools Day I prank one person.
    Back to my talent, I can even play a 20 second role as long as it’s in any show in nickelodeon or Disney because I can’t choose between both this companies. So please please consider me. I only travel with my sisters and parents.

    Plus if you have two roles that means my best friend and I will be ready!!!!!

    This is why people say I talk a lot turns out I also write a lot.

    Bye!!!!oh! And I live in Africa(please choose me even if I have to use my voice in a cartoon for 20 seconds I would)
    Oh!one more thing I do voice expressions

    Once again bye

  10. I’m 15 and I would like to be a disney actress but I don’t think they hold auditions here in South Africa and I cannot afford to come to America… What should I do because I want it so badly.

  11. Hi well my name is Mandy Bienaime. It would be a dream come true to be on Disney channel or nick. When I was younger I had an audition but was to young and did not make it. I am 12 years old, a girl in sixth grade. All I ever dream about is to be on nick or Disney channel. I have been a model for a year. All I really ever wanted to do is act just please give me a shot. I am a little girl asking for this. You have no idea how long it took to find something like this. I have been trying to audition for Disney for five years so just give me this chance, this is my last chance.

  12. Hey, my name is Carmen Lopez. I really want a chance at being an actor for Disney, but I know this is a long shot because so many other peoples message sound like mine. I hope you guys pick me because I really want to do this. Not just to be famous but to provide money for my family that doesn’t have enough money right now.

  13. hey my name is Nancy I am 11 years old IT IS MY BIGGEST DREAM TO ACT! I LOVED victorious and I Carly and can’t wait to see the new show Sam and Cat. I love Disney channel, Disney XD, and nickelodeon. I also love shake it up, ant farm, Jessie, wizards of waverly place, how to rock and many more. I <3 1d, music, art, electronics and many more things.

  14. Hey my name is Kinnley I am 12 and I live in Texas and I Love acting! Its always been my dream to be a Disney channel star! I want to be a movie star and that’s all I ever wanted in my whole life! Please, it would cheer me up if you granted this one wish for me. Thank you!:)

  15. Hiya who ever is reading. I am 12 and I have always wanted to became an actress when I was really young. I would love to do Disney or Nickelodeon, I don’t mind. I hope you choose me. I always dream about it and this is my time shine.

  16. Hi my name is bruce and I would love to be on Disney or nickelodeon. It is my dream! I live in Minnesota and I watch nickelodeon and I want to be just like them. I want to be famous and be known. Well I hope you get a chance to read this and hope that you choose me to be on nickelodeon or Disney channel. Thanks

  17. My name is Sydney Fletcher and I live in a small city in Montana called Kalispell. It has been my dream to become famous since well forever.I am a short, a thin girl ( as I’m told) also I LOVE to dance and have been for 7 years. I can sing and only my friends know. I can act very well too contact me for an audition plz P.S I’m legit, love ninjas and have a passion for dogs

  18. I believe that one day I will excel to singing in front of big crowds and I think no better way than to start by auditioning for disney or nickelodeon. It would be a great opportunity to show what I can do.

    ACTIVITIES: Singing, Dancing, Juggling and more – if you want to know more then just send me an email,
    xoxoxoxoxo Teniya Shaunese Butler

    1. You are a beautiful girl, but you better listen to your Dad Christopher Butler and stop messing around in class because I love you and want to see you do well.

  19. Wow, thanks for the info I would have never known if it wasn’t for this. You guys probably just saved me a ton of money and time. Now I can go after my dream of being a performer and not be so easily scammed. THANKS!

  20. first learn how to speak and write in english before you beg for something you will have to actually work for, nothing comes easy and when your talking about acting its ten times as hard, so its great to have dreams and you should follow them but you should NOT expect someone to knock on your door and say hello your going to be our new star! it just doesn’t work that way in the real world, you need to put in the time, this means doing things for FREE yes free no one will hire you, let me rephrase NO ONE will pay you on your word that you have some kind of skill you will actually need to show them on camera from past/prior work. If your not willing to do this then you better look for other work, and you should ALWAYS have a back up plan while your trying to break in to this hard profession!

    1. Reply to Mike: Really? It’s “you’re”, a contraction for “you are”. Maybe you should learn to write in English before you criticize these kids who aren’t native to English speaking countries. Ease up. They’re kids and they dream. Let them!

      1. Crystal: I hear you, but Mike has a point. It sounds as if they want to be stars in the US market. It would be smart for them to learn English if they want to be on American TV shows and they are serious about it.

  21. I would just like to say that I would love to become and actor. I’ve been acting inside and out of school since I was 5 and I’m now 16. I dance, play guitar, soccer and netball. It’s my dream. please take this into consideration. thank you.xx

  22. My name is Bruno, I’m 13 years old. I live in Paris but I speak English very well. I’ll move to America for my chance to go on disney channel, thank you goodbye.

  23. Allyson Weinbrenner

    Hi my name is Allyson I can sing and act my favorite show on nick is HOUSE OF ANUBIS. I’m a huge fan I love the cast, someday I hope to meet them. I can’t believe KT likes Eddie. I will see what happens next. Well I’m 13, live in Kansas, I really love to act. It lets me express my feelings and laugh. I hang out with friends and would love to be a actress. thank you!

  24. Brooklynn Amber Galindo

    Hi, my name is Brooklynn and I have always wanted to act. Since I 8 years old, I’m 14 years old now. My mom said that I was fine and that I could write this comment. If y’all need anybody for disney channel and nickeloden please contact me, thank you for your time!

  25. Laura Anna Lapsina

    Hi , I’m Laura , first of all right now I live in Latvia , but I’m ready to move to USA anytime . My english is really good , I don’t have an accent .I’m16 . I am ready to do anything and have the roles that nobody else wants . I can also sing.

  26. Laura Anna Lapsina

    Hi , I’m Laura , first of all right now I live in Latvia , but I’m ready to move to USA anytime . My English is really good , I don’t have an accent . I’m 16. I am ready to do anything and have the roles that nobody else wants . I can also sing.

  27. It’s been my dream to act and sing ever since I was 9 or 10. My name is ni’myia, I love to sing and act and if you would give me a chance I know I can do it.

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