Disney Auditions and Nickelodeon Auditions – How the Scam Works

So, you have a kid that wants to be on the Disney Channel?

Here is info about how Disney Channel auditions work and how to prevent your kid and yourself being taken advantage by those that see dollar signs in your child’s dream of being a Disney star.

The Disney Audition pitch (from people who have nothing to do with Disney, Disney Channel, Disney+ or any subsidiary)

Just about every kid from Canada, the U.S. and all the way to Australia would love to be a Disney Channel star. Most kids watch the shows and say “I can do that too”, and maybe they can.

Scammers everywhere know this and have created scams that play on those dreams. They run ads online, in papers and on the radio aimed at getting these people to attend their events in an attempt to separate them from their money.

Is it legal? Yes. Here’s why.

You are driving with your kids and a radio ad comes on saying “Does your child want to be a Disney Channel Star? Auditions are being held this weekend. Call some number and book your slot”.

What you hear in the quick 30 second sales pitch is “Disney Channel Audition”. What they actually said was “Does your child want to be a Disney Star?” They never actually say that this is an audition for Disney. None of these so called auditions are affiliated with the Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. They are held in places far from the actual Disney Studios in Burbank.

It is a classic ‘bait and switch’ sales tactic. They lure people to these events dropping the Disney brand. After people call the number, they are given a time and place to go. They make it sound very real by telling the parents to bring photos and to dress up as if to meet real casting directors. Some of these groups go as far as booking convention rooms at Disneyland resorts or hotels just to make it look more legit and connected with Disney.

These events draw thousands of hopefuls and once there the entire room gets a sales pitch of how their children can be rich and famous. Each family will meet with a sales person who will use a title like ‘talent scout’ or something that sounds meaningful in Hollywood. The sales person (‘talent scout’, ‘casting agent’, ‘talent director’, ‘whatever’) will then take the child in for an ‘evaluation’. To make it look more legit they may have the child read a few lines, pose, or do something to demonstrate their talent. They will go on and explain that only a small percentage of children are good enough for them and miraculously, your child is perfect, except… for a lack of training, a portfolio and whatever else they would like to sell you.

This is where the hard pitch begins. They tell you that your child has all the potential to be the next big Disney star, but only if they take some very expensive acting classes from them, buy an expensive portfolio, or a number of other services they are trying to push. They never come out and actually say they  “are casting for Disney”  because that would be fraud. But they play on words to make you believe that they are somehow affiliated with Disney or Nickelodeon. They often drop Disney star names and even pay ex Disney stars to attend these events.

The cost? thousands. How much they tell you it will cost depends on how much money they think you have. People have reported being asked to pay $2000 to $8000 at the same event for the same services.

Why the price discrepancy? Because the so called “talent scouts” are nothing more than commissioned sales people who wouldn’t know talent if it fell on their heads. They make their living off commissions from sales, they push whatever they think you are willing or capable of paying so they make something off of you… the sucker. These commissioned sales people masquerading as “talent scouts” can make as much as 40% of the sale, so getting you to sign a $5000 contract puts $2000 in their personal pocket.

These one-on-one evaluations are usually nothing more than the sales people evaluating the parents for financial means. They look at the clothes the parents are wearing and other factors to decide which package to try to sell.

Just like other hard sales pitches, they add a time constraint. They try to get you to make a decision on the spot by claiming that this opportunity will go to another kid if you do not do it NOW! Why the time constraint? Simple, they do not want you to go home and think about it, ask your friends or do your research.

These scams work well for the scammers. If only 50 people of the 1000 actually go for it, that is a 1 day profit of over $100,000 for them… not bad. Once they hooked you in and you actually pay for whatever inferior service they are pitching, they have a entire line up of other services to sell you later. Some people have complained that they were out over $30,000 over this. These companies also have solid contracts that make it difficult to cancel or get a refund after you have signed up.

Once they get the first payment, you feel invested and they make you feel like paying for this, that and the other will make your kid a star.

Protect yourself!

Disney Channel never runs ads on the radio or ads of any kind for sites other then their own websites.  Recently, Disney lawyers even got involved after numerous consumer complaints but there are just too many companies doing this and their lawyers can’t go after them all. Even if they get shut down, they re-open right away under a different name.

Real auditions for Disney Channel never have any fees! They will never sell classes, conventions or make promises of fame and fortune. There are millions of kids with dreams of Disney stardom, the reality is that there is only room for a handful in the few Disney shows airing.

If your child wants to act, stay away from anyone promising a fast track to fame – THERE IS NONE, unless you are related to Hollywood producers or Will Smith. Get your kids some reasonably priced acting classes to start and take it from there.

you can also read these articles http://sethkoenig.bangordailynews.com/2012/01/06/whats-happening/attorney-general-warns-about-supposed-disney-auditions-in-portland/

In Florida, where many of these are held, a Disney Channel spokesman had this to say…

“Disney Channel is not affiliated with any acting school or acting workshop, and has not authorized a talent search in Jacksonville, Florida,” said Patti McTeague.

“Disney hires talent two ways, through agents or an authorized casting call,” she added.


Officials also had this to say “Disney Channel television movies cast principal roles in Los Angeles, usually from within the Disney ranks” – what that means is they cast actors they have already worked with for leads in new shows.


You  can also read Disney Auditions on the  Radio

Modeling and Acting Scams

modeling scams and photo mills



227 thoughts on “Disney Auditions and Nickelodeon Auditions – How the Scam Works

  1. Nicole

    Hey, I’m going to be there for the auditions. I got a call and see you on Saturday! 🙂

  2. Brooklynn

    please pick me. I watch girl meets world, and liv and maddie everyday. They are my favorite shows. I’ve loved acting for a long time. Its my dream. If I believe I can do it.. then I know I can. I love making quotes, and taking pictures of the sky like.. the stars or the sun set and make a quote out of it. id do anything to be an actress. I love acting. please pick me.

  3. Martin Achiya

    Hi i am a 15 yr old boy from kenya. I have always dreamed of being an actor in Disney and nickelodeon shows. This because I live with my mom and I wanted to help her one day.

  4. Ogwo Harmony

    I can dance, sing and act. In fact I am fit for this?

  5. Jen

    My son is looking to audition for rank the prank. Any suggestions?
    Thank you

  6. Raeann

    All PARENTS OF CHILDREN WITH DREAMS! This is a message I sent to Child star of Disney just a moment ago. I asked her if she was a customer of Premiere for exposure or if she was a spokesperson as Premieres whole scam is to lead you to believe they put them in front of the right agents and they were discovered……

    IMPORTANT READ NOW, So I have answered my own question. The internet is amazing. Next time you see Michael from Premiere say Hi From Us! How can you knowingly get paid to promote a company that is a massive scam? Maybe you don’t know, probably not your a child. Do you know I ALMOST gave them 11,180 yesterday all at once. Luckily they couldn’t take my moms credit card from American Express. They told us to “send a cashiers check” to Phoenix Arizona for the amount and my daughter would be all set for the week at Premiere.

    Now from yesterday at 6:00 pm when we left the “Auditions ” at Hyatt had a horrible feeling in my stomach. Nauseous all evening about how to get them the cashiers check. My mother comes to the rescue today from Arizona where she is away from her home in North Dakota taking care of her dying mother, to wire transfer the money to our account. While she was doing all this for us, my little mind is whirling with question after question. Why do they need the money so fast? I always heard you don’t pay to be a star! Is this a Scam? So I started googling.

    It’s so bad I’m one of the few who was lucky enough to have an extra 24 hours to think this through. Please do your own research if you don’t believe me, but I think you already know. It’s very sad people want to bring others down to profit, my child bawled when I confessed all I had found. He made me look like a fool to my baby and that is heartbreaking. He’s a very good actor though I’ll give him that. I am posting this publicly so all parents who read it will not have to experience the pain of this massive scam. A foolish parent who would do anything for their children as is the scam that we all would.

    The name of the company is Premiere or Official Premiere they have also had two previous names. They are out of Phoenix Arizona and they travel all over the world raking in 100,000 a day from families who probably can’t afford it but make it happen.

    They promote themselves as having found some of the Disney stars or Nickelodeon. Or even Ariana Grande! All lies. Watch the YouTube videos they were all stars already on the stage, not unknowns. Ariana comes out on hers and it’s apparent the audience knows who she is. The reaction is that for a star! She isn’t Showcasing, she’s promoting too! I’m blessed, I’m A woman and have good instincts or my family would have been heartbroken like so many others I read about.

    All the same stories of the hotel convention rooms and being admonished by Michael for looking at phones and not taking this seriously, I advise everyone to only do things for your children that do not cost 10,000 or more at age 10. I almost did and I thank God I came to my senses.

  7. Misheal

    Hello my name is Misheal. I love Disney and Nickelodeon so much. I am 11 years old and I love to act and sing. Please give me a chance and I will surprise you. Just give me a chance.

  8. Alaijah Taylor

    Hey my name is Alaijah Taylor and I’m from Cleveland Ohio. I was born on January 9 2004, I’m 12 and also a female. I think Disney channel has great shows for all kids and teens of all ages to watch and enjoy. I am very hard working when it comes to school, family, helping others and my career of being an actress. I care truly about the world and all the people and animals. My talent that I have is modeling and action. I think action and playing a different person is so awesome and just like pretending. I think being a kid model is just like taking selfies and I should know because I do a lot of selfies. The Disney star that inspires me and is my role model is Zendaya. Not only does she inspire me, she also inspires other girls to do things. I hope this audition can make me an amazing actress and inspire so many people.

    1. Miya

      Hey lay lay,
      Its miya and I’m very happy for you and I’m happy you finally got your dream.

  9. Akabogu Judith Destiny.

    Hi, my name is Destiny and I am 12 years old. I am from Nigeria. I love watching nickelodeon and I have always wished to be a nick star. I can sing, dance and act. I hope auditions are here in Nigeria. just give me this opportunity and I will show you guys what I am made of.
    P.S please give me an answer before this year ends.

  10. ereremena favor

    My name is favor I live in Nigeria and I want to become a movie star in nickelodeon so as to make my parents proud of me. I am 14 yrs old, I can sing, act, dance. I want to see any of those people who act like Jace Norman, Isabella Moner. Please give me a chance to be a star.

    1. Random

      You guys are blind. Sweetheart, They aren’t casting you. This is for showing you “what a scam is” they aren’t telling you “give me your information so I can be a star” if you wanna go be a star, go WORK FOR IT! Get some acting classes.

  11. Anonymous


    Is anyone reading the freaking article. I know you kids want to be on Disney but just how desperate are you kids. Don’t go putting your personal info out in the open like this. I’m tired of everywhere I look if it has Disney or nick kids put their personal biz out for the world to see just to try to get discovered. If you read the title it clearly says Disney Auditions and Nickelodeon auditions – HOW THE SCAM WORKS. If you really want to act start with classes, then ask your parents to try to find you a LEGIT casting call, after a few films/plays try to find an official talent agent. People don’t care if you can dance, sing, or even breathe if they want money they will scam every last penny from you. don’t get your hopes just for someone to make them come crashing back down to earth shattering your whole world. I once went to an actual audition for a local film and not once did I have to expose any of my information. Of course I didn’t get the role but at least I wasn’t scammed or stalked.

  12. Christen

    I’m an 8 year old girl who really wants to be an actor. I’ll be a good actor, singer, and dancer.

  13. Elizabeth Shonubi

    I could give up my life for it. Just give me a chance it won’t hurt to try.

  14. Elizabeth Shonubi

    My name is Elizabeth Shonubi. I live in The Gambia, West Africa and my dream is to be a star on nickelodeon. My parents want the same too but the problem is how we can get money to go to the USA. I can search for a script and act it out then send it on you on youtube and if I get through you can call me.

    1. Anonymous

      wow, why don’t watch more and more of it until it is finished.

  15. Vanessa Kopp

    Hay, my name is Vanessa Kopp. I’m 15 years old and come from Germany. I love to sing and dance and it´s my biggest dream to act on Nickelodeon or disney channel :). I would give everything for it. I hope you give me a chance and that you leave me an answer. Thank you. (I really want it)

  16. Hannah

    Hello my name is Hannah Newman I just moved from Georgia to Texas. I am really interested in auditioning. I am 11 years old my birthday is October 1 2004. I am 5’3. I have always been interested in Nickelodeon. I have brown hair brown eyes. I am tall, skinny, and tan. I have a Georgia accent witch is country and everybody I know loves it. I would really love if I could audition. Even if I do not make it it would be a awesome experience. Thank you so much!

  17. Willy Wanjama

    Am 16 years old and since watched nickelodeon I discovered that acting was one of my hobbies and to show my gratitude to that I wanted to be a nickelodeon actor. Another of my hobbies is singing and all I ask for this Christmas is to be a Nickelodeon actor. May God bless you and merry Christmas to you all, God bless you.


    My 3 year old daughter is named Megan and we live in Louisiana. Curly brown hair. Dark brown eyes. African American. She is well mannered, feisty, super energetic, extremely smart, takes the initiative, and enjoys smiling, laughing, singing and dancing. She has participated in pageants & fashion shows. We are willing to travel to give Megan the opportunity to act and be a part of this new project. I hope to hear from you soon via email.

  19. Karsyn

    Do these kids not know how to read? I’ve gone through half the comments, most of these kids are only a year or two younger then me. This page is explaining the scam of “Disney stardom” not “here’s how I’ll recruit you”. But anyways, thank you for the warning, I was planning on asking my dad to call up the people on the ads but now I’ll just refrain from asking and continue with what I already have going for me.

  20. Parentsagainstscams

    There are a few new groups popping up that are using the same tactics. They have all been doing it for years, under different names and company umbrellas. #MAT Entertainment, Inc, #IAMAStar, #TheBigShow2016

    Star Project lures him with audition to be on a reality TV show. When you get there, you are screened to see if you are a sucker to pay money, then you are told your child is a natural and awesome. Then you get a call back for final cuts at which time they bully you into giving them anywhere from $2500-10000. For this you get some acting classes , poor quality literature, and a very unprofessional productions.

    A few weeks later they hit the same town for The Big Show 2016 in Nashville TN

    #thebigshow2016, #iamastar,

    1. erica Post author

      The companies that do this change names often. Generally, any company that sells itself on making your kids a star… is one to watch out for. Real agencies would never make such a claim nor charge money to sign with them. Reality shows do not require talent to even have agents. Most reality shows you can apply directly to and they do not charge a fee. Reality shows do not require acting lessons, etc. They are in fact looking, mostly, for real people, not actors.

    2. Arlene Schwegmann

      I auditioned for a spot for kids on the Disney channel or Nickelodeon. They DON’T tell you that you have to be a certain weight to be on it. I’m complaining cause I don’t think it is right getting kids hopes up then turning them down because their weight.

  21. Glory

    Hi am Glory. I’m a 17 year old Nigerian and would love to audition for a role in a Nickelodeon show.

  22. Amoreea Lane and Traci Ashford

    Me and my friend have been watching nickeloden for the longest time and we want a chance to be on Nickeloden. We are both 12. We can sing a lil and act.

  23. alvionjoshua

    I am 11 and I like all the shows on nick, I am 4ft tall.

  24. Coley.Leadbitter

    Hi my name is Nicole Leadbitter and I’m 12 years Old and about 4 foot and I was born on the 7th July 2003. I Love Disney Channel and Acting and I have always loved to be an actress. I love all the actors and actress on Nickelodeon. I have had a lot of acting experience by teaching Drama clubs at school and 2 times a week I have drama. Outside of school, I do acting classes at school with my drama teacher. In Drama I have had effect grades 5 ( the best grade ) . I love all the shows and I don’t care if I get picked to be any show, I will still do it. I have been trying to get on Disney Channel for ages. And I will be there every day and not let you down ever.

  25. raulquiroz

    I like Ariana Grande, Jack Griffo. Ill peanut, Jace Norman from Nickelodeon and jennette mccurdy from Sam and Cat and I Carly.

  26. raulquiroz

    I am 12 years old, I’m 5 foot one and I have black hair and brown eyes. I’ve been watching Nickelodeon since I was a baby. I was born on June six, 2003. I have acting experience in school and other places. I have excellent grades only straight A’s. I live in Bakersfield California. I like sponge Bob, Sam and cat, iCarly, Thundermans, game shakers and Henry danger. I especially love Henry danger. I am cool with being on any show. I will try to be on Nickelodeon for many years as I can if I’m chosen.

  27. Alvina

    I already know how to find out if there is a Disney audition. I just want to know how to find out if there is a Nickelodeon audition. Thank you though for helping me know if anything is a scam. 🙂

  28. Ivori

    My name is Ivori. I have been wanting to be an actress since I was 4 years old. I make awesome grades, on the principals list (all a’s). I have been wanting to be on Austin and Ally since it came on Disney channel. I love Ross Lynch and Laura Marano however you spell her last name. I really believe in myself for this part. I really hope you pick me and if you don’t pick, if you pick someone else, I will be happy for them. Thanks anyway, Ivori

  29. Lee schultz

    My name is Lee, I’m 14 years old and live in south Africa. Being a nobody is hard. I want to show people that I’m not a loser. I have always had this dream of being in a TV series on Disney, like most of those comments on top …and would really like being give a chance to prove myself and show you that I’m worth it. Think about it and then contact me plz.


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