How to Spot a Modeling / Acting Scam

Are you worried that an acting audition or modeling job you are interested in or that was offered may not be real?

If so, read on to find out what the red flags are.

There are too many marketing companies that prey on a persons quest for fame. These companies and their affiliates post casting notices, auditions and ads on Craigslist, and other free classified sites that refer to fake auditions and non existent castings for jobs that sound real. Some also use ads on the radio and newspapers to entice people.


Here is why they do this. Money!
There are many different scams preying on people trying to break into the industry. Here are just a few.

There are many companies claiming to be agencies that will claim to find you work… if you pay them. They don’t just come out and ask for money, they first get your confidence and reel you in slowly. Often times they schedule a “fake” audition (they don’t ask for money here to put you at ease), then they call and tell you ‘you are great’ come in for a 2nd audition and sometimes a 3rd. Once there, they tell you “you are perfect… but…”. This is where the salesperson kicks in and tries to sell you on photos, portfolios, online portfolios, classes, conventions and anything else they can push on you. The audition was not actually for a real part in any production, it was to evaluate how much you will spend and how much they can sucker you out of.

Then there are companies that don’t sell any services themselves, they get paid to sell your information to companies that have telemarketers and salespeople.

The companies / individuals involved are paid to get “leads”. Leads are people of a certain demographic such as child, teen, man, etc. that have a interest, such as acting or modeling, that they can later exploit by way of email spam, telemarketing, etc. After you answer a “fake” casting (much of craigslist was fake when I tested it), you will begin getting offers through email and sales pitches from telemarketers, all aimed at getting you to sign up for some service.

Many times they call you and say they have an audition for you. They pose as casting directors, agents, etc. They try to get you excited and pump up your ego with flattery. Real agents and casting directors do not just pick a name ‘out of a hat’ and offer a high paying acting job to someone they never met or seen perform.

When the telemarketers are done with you, your info gets sold to the next company and the routine starts again. Some internet marketers go as far as responding to your inquiry with a message that “you are perfect” or “will send the audition details”, but first… please go here and do this.

This is a different type of scam and not that obvious to most.
Those affiliates get paid to funnel people to other sites, usually sites that deal with background checks or security of some kind. Age and citizenship verification are a common ploy. I answered one Extra casting (sounded very real) that sent me to a site that does ssl certificates. Most people would not even understand that ssl certification is for online shopping carts and has zero to to do acting or auditions. The marketer just used that because it went along the lines of “verify your identity” for the fake casting call and he gets paid 30 bucks for every FREE lead he sends to the company. He is scamming them too! I was looking for an audition, NOT a shopping cart! I am useless as a lead to them, but he still gets paid ’till caught. Then he moves on to the next company looking for leads.


Here’s how to spot the real castings from the fakes.

Remember, real casting directors will always want a headshot, resume, acting reel, and for modeling things such as height, weight, size, etc. If all they ask for is an optional photo and contact info than beware. The scammers need the photo because the sales pitch involves a lot of flattery. The sales pitch is honed to make you feel special and chosen.

  • Beware of anyone looking for “new faces”. Everyone has a new face! You can walk out your door and find dozens in a minute! The word “new faces” is a red flag.
  • Beware of general needs such as “any ethnicity, ages 5 to 75” that’s almost EVERYONE! Real castings have specific needs (with the exception of extras / background).
  • Beware of “no experience necessary.” While some casting calls for kids and background actors do not require experience, most principal roles require both.
  • Beware of ads with large pay. Ads that read like “models and actors needed for ‘put in any large brand here’ pay is $1800 daily and job is 4 to 5 days….”
  • Beware of ads that quote union rates such as $752 a day without mention of union. They are just pulling union jobs knowing you have ZERO way of getting the gig or worse, making them up and quoting union rates.
  • Beware of anything that asks for lingerie, topless, etc. and request pics from you to be considered. Use your imagination on what someone will do with those. Real casting directors will want head shots, full body shot(clothed) and measurements.
  • Beware of webcam auditions, Skype auditions and the like from people you do not know. There are legit ones done that way with experienced actors and scammers are playing on that. There have been many scams where ladies did those and were talked out of their clothing by people saying “I need to see what you really look like” and other lines. Those videos then get sold in other countries and end up all over the internet for others enjoyment.
  • Beware of Extras casting calls that are nationwide. Generally, large productions go through a casting company. Anyone posting things like “Extras needed to make scene look ‘real’,  ‘Insert big movie name here’ pays $300 daily” is a scam. Non-Union extras earn about minimum wage and are ALWAYS cast locally.
  • Beware of anyone asking you to follow a link to do a background check. Do not sign up for any background or age verification site. Those are 100% scam, even though it seems free for you to do it, the scammer is selling your info to an unsuspecting company and you will never hear back about the audition.
  • Beware of anything that says call some number, casting agents are waiting. Casting directors look at headshots and resumes than call back who they like. They do not sit by a phone waiting for everyone and their mom to call without even knowing if they fit. Basically, they call you if they like you.
  • Beware of ANYONE that approaches you at a shopping mall to sign you up to audition for Disney Channel or whatever. Those are 100% fake. Disney does not work that way nor does any casting director. Those are sales people who are trying to get you in the door so they can then sell you stuff. There is no audition!!!!! You will be wasting your time going and many meetings later they will ask for payment for some inferior service. It takes many meeting because they attempt to gain your trust and have you invest your time. They try to make it look like they are doing auditions, then callbacks, etc. Not for a real role. It is for the opportunity to work with them and they make people feel special for being selected to come back so much. Fact is, they do that with everyone and the only thing they are evaluating is your ability to pay up.

And lastly, beware of anyone selling anything. Remember, you applied for a JOB! Means, they pay YOU!


How to protect yourself:

Get an email, an anonymous one for casting calls that you respond to. That way if it gets spammed, you can change it easily.

NEVER, follow a link to another site asking you to enter private information that has zero to do with what you are applying for.

Do your homework – Google company names. If you want to see any bad press you can Google ‘company name scam’ or things along that line. Check consumer report sites. Many try to hide the bad press and small operations change names often. If you can’t find anything about them, that’s a red flag.

You can check how long their website has been around by doing a ‘who is’ search. I just ran into a agency that looked fishy the other day. They claimed tons of credits and offered promises of fame. I checked them out. Their company website was created a few days back, hosted in the Ukraine and registered anonymously. Unless the Ukraine is the new Hollywood, I’m thinking, this may be a scam.

Remember, if it sounds like a dream, it most likely is just some low life trying to pay his bills off yours. Real jobs take commitment, training and diligence. You begin at the bottom with low paying jobs and castings in small productions, then work your way up as it is in any industry. Once you get some training, a resume and experience, then you get an agent to go after the larger jobs.

With all the above said, there are great opportunities available. You just need to learn how to stay away from the scammers. With practice, you will learn to spot the real from the fake. Even I still get fooled by some. Luckily, the readers normally catch those and leave me a comment to remove the spam.

Also, comments are taken and will be posted on this page. Add your own tips to avoid modeling and acting scams. I will moderate and post.

You can also read child acting scams for more info.

468 thoughts on “How to Spot a Modeling / Acting Scam

  1. Kenny

    Thank you whoever you are the creators of this page. Any time I notice someone spreading truth and common sense, make sure to say Thanks. So…Thanks!!!

  2. jennifer

    Is Hickory pictures a real agency? They came to my son’s school and he was “picked” to come for an audition. When I emailed they said all the spots were full and they would be back in this area in March.. The more I think about it the more skeptical I am. So I was just wondering. Thanks.

    1. free audition listings

      Most scams will never tell you they are ‘full’ and to try back later. As long as no one asks you to shell out money, it may be OK.

  3. free audition listings

    sent by a reader

    Male and Female Models Urgently Needed –
    Casting notice posted on, casting location: UK
    The Indulgent Show is looking for male and female models for an exciting fashion show in aid-of-make-a-wish- foundation

    The fashion show is taking place Monday 29th February 2012, and models will be showcasing 15 amazing collections from designers.Models need to be free both day/evening -Transportation,food and drink will be provided and professional photographers will be at the event.

    Work is fully paid for and is a great opportunity for those looking for modelling experience and to expand their portfolios.

    Get back to me for more details if interested..


    Casting Location: UK
    Contact email:


  4. amy

    hi there. i recently heard an add on the radio for a company called seattle talent owned by a man named hank ritter (we met him yesterday). they were looking for models, singers and actors, ages 2-24, first 100 callers only… that sort of thing. we made an appointment for my 10 year old son and attended the first audition/presentation. they claim to have discovered karan brar (diary of a whimpy kid), vlad ivanov(international model), josh duhmal(transformers), alexis sanches(grown ups) and many more. they came to carson city nv claiming that they generally do these things in reno, but they wanted to get some of the smaller surrounding areas. my son got a call back (from the owner himself) and they would like us to come back tonight. there didnt seem to be a lot of pressure. he said if things didnt work out we could try again in 6 months or a year. i believe what they are doing is selling classes. hank suggested a 5 week class for my son at the cost of $2900. i dont know if we’ll be asked to sign a contract or not. i have googled both the name of the company and the name of the owner. there doesnt seem to be anything bad about them on the internet, but there isnt much about them at all outside of there facebook page, blog spot and website. it appears that maybe the owner is/was affilliated with jrp. any information you have would be most helpful. thank you for your time.

    1. free audition listings

      Its a bait and switch sales tactic. Yes, they are selling classes but they did not tell you that originally to get you in the door. The ad never said ‘acting classes being sold now’. The ads usually say ‘Looking for new talent for Disney, Nickelodeon and other brands’. These companies find people at malls, through ads, etc. they always claim to be talent scouts looking for people to cast for Disney etc. Once in their offices they try to sell you on classes, photo shoots, portfolios etc. These types of rackets go city to city renting conference rooms and temporary offices.

      They can not find anyone work because they are NOT agents, they are sales people selling very expensive acting classes. The classes are normally taught by unqualified people and most people who have been taken by these claim that they wasted their money. If you want your son in a class, contact a real acting school. These classes are also worthless on a resume.

      You can’t find anything out online, good or bad because they change locations and names often to fly under the radar.

    2. Leah

      Can you email me some legitimate modeling agencies, I don’t want to get scammed again. It’s happened about 5 times.

  5. Chels

    neha devi singh
    Thank you for the inspiring words! I am very grateful to have found this site to!!! The fact that this site is taking the time to help others without a $fee$ is so rare these days!! This world is all about money!! People only care about themselves and fame. It’s really sad! It’s feels really good to be reminded that there are still good people out there!! Thank you again!!

  6. Chels

    PLEASE HELP! How do you get experience for modeling or acting? I have done runway and photo shoots before and love it! I’m just wondering how do I find jobs with little to even no pay of course lot’s of money would be great! Although experience is well worth it. As you said you need experience to get an agency for the bigger jobs. Right? I say this because I am willing to help a new magazine or someone starting out a clothing line because I know they don’t have the funds yet to pay for a know model. Also I love helping others with there dreams to! I’m getting to do what I love to do! I love the camera its the time I get to play a different person! If there’s anyone that could PLEASE take some time to help me with any advice or answers, It would truly mean the world to me! I know there are models/ actresses that have the same true passion for this field as I do! Thanks! “May all your dreams come true!”

  7. neha devi singh


    Thanks so much for your response.
    It means a lot to me. Also, for those who have been following. I thought i’d give fate a chance or for the sake of calling their bluff, and therefore got prepared for the audition and waited on skype, and waited some more. No one turned up. Now I could argue that something came up or my phone had decided to act at up at the same time so there was no final confirmation. But i had left messages on skype and text messages on the numbers so they i was there.
    Im just relieved nothing wierd happened. Perhaps it was an opportunity missed though im more inclined to believe a disaster averted.
    I just wanted anyone reading this and hopefull to please refer to the cardinal rule above all else…when your gut tells you somethings off…first run a mile in the opposite direction! then take 5 mins to rethink and re evaluate everything; and dont be afraid to ask for advice from anyone you think may help.
    Its what i did. Guess it was a game of chicken and they blinked first.

    Todays interconnected world offers many opportunities and equal measures of perils. please be careful
    I am very thankful i found this site. thank you so much for your input and help.

    still hopefull but ever cautious.

  8. neha devi singh

    ive been reading this forum and would seriously appreciate a quick response!
    I am an actor based out of India. I think i may have been roped into some scam. A few days ago, some man named steve hodgson messaged me on whatsapp saying hes seen my profiles online and would i be interested in international projects? the profiles he mentioned do exist online and any determined individual can track down a number so i gave him the benefit of the doubt. after a brief chat and exchange of profile he put me onto a well known hollywood director, again on whatsapp. Out of sheer curiosity, i decided to communicate with this director, now, after various legitimate conversations, he has scheduled a screen test on skype.

    the funny thing is, i dnt know if any well established director would communicate directly with an unknown artist (building rapport or not)
    also, everytime i would try and dig deep they would stonewall or beat around the bush but when i try to politely apologise for wasting their time and walk away they came back with legitimate responses and made noises about how i simply fit the role and thats why they are taking all this trouble.

    points to ponder:
    – no trace of this steve hodgson online in any capacity as a casting agent
    – the film in question is in the news but barely so
    -why would a scam artist go to such lengths and then offer to come on skype?
    – when i tried to ask for proof of identity and creds, the director threw a fit and claimed to be insulted. so i said ok sorry and bye bye
    -he came back two hrs later saying something about not letting ego get in the way of work and set up the test again
    – when i offered to fly in for a live audition , he said come at your own expense
    – is it true that production teams would look at screen test scores based on various stages and then validate and call back and issue tickets for those needed to be flown in for live auditions?
    – are most agents and directors borderline rude and almost using bullying tactics like going off in a huff iif you dnt respond in 5 mins
    -i believe if its really a big budget film nd they r so so keen on me then they should wait or show some creds.

    even as i write this i am beginning to feel silly. I dont know and am quite confused. please help

    1. free audition listings

      None of what you said is common practice nor will casting directors use bully / hard sale tactics. Sounds like a sales pitch for either some kind of service or worse, a check cashing scam. Both are very common and scammers use online profiles to find victims. Sometimes these scams are so long lasting that they wait a long time before asking for money or asking someone to cash a bad check.

  9. wendy

    Hi, my daughter applied to fear factor on the official website and got a call back and an email. He said that hes looking at her to be on an episode. She doesnt live in LA so she would eventually skype with a producer. She needs to send pics in to set up a profile. If she gets picked and she goes on the show….she gets paid even if she doesnt win the big money. She needs to send in $300 to have a profile set up so she would have it if she wants to apply to other reality shows. She would get the $300 back when she goes on the show. Shes excited but i wanted to see if this is a scam.

    1. free audition listings

      The official site would be part of the NBC network – official site

      There is no charge to audition and they should not ask anyone to pay to create a profile. You did not apply to the official fear factor, seems like you applied to something that may have tricked you into thinking it was.

      You will NEVER get the 300 back and the REAL Fear Factor casting directors will most likely never get her info to even cast her on the show because you have to submit all your info on their site. Casting Directors in California are NOT allowed to charge talent for auditions period.

      here is the fear factor casting link

  10. Amro

    Hi my name is Amro i want to act am not going to say am the best actor in the world but i can show you that am good and am Egyptian i live in AZ TEMPE am 17 and am brown hire 5.5 ft brown eyes and i have an nice accents and i talked to Steven Spielberg,Adam Sandler,Shia Labeouf managers and a lot more and they all side to me your good to goo i just need to start and it would be an honor to work with you.

  11. Richard

    Hi. I have tried 5 times in the last 3 days to submit an audition notice. Your site says within 24 hours. Can you answer my previous emails asking why my ad has not yet been posted?

    1. free audition listings

      There is criteria that needs to be met for it to post. Your ad did not meet that criteria.

      The criteria is as follows:
      I do not post auditions that have high fees attached (those are basically ads and not a job offer)
      I do not post any ads that require photos be sent other than the standard headshots
      I do not normally post ads that require videos be posted publicly
      I do not post anything I am uncomfortable with

      Hope that helps

    2. Lori

      He previously mentioned that he would screen any comments, I’m not positive but I think for safety, he is not posting ads, just for the sole purpose. He could potentially scam other families. I’m sure it isn’t personal, however if he authorized every ad, this page could be filled with several other scams.

  12. Haley

    Okay, this ‘Hickory Pictures’ is coming to my school for a casting call, they have specific in what they want, it asks for a non’returnable photo, and left a number to call for questions. But doesn’t ask for info, thought it does say in this contract thing, that i will have to evetualy of course give it to them. Do they all have these little contracts on the back?? Or what idk, jw if it was real and worth goin to.

  13. Kayla

    There is a modeling company in my city called agency 89, but I am skeptical as to whether or not they are recruiting for talent or money….I’m not sure what to look for.

    1. free audition listings

      well, their website says:

      “Agency 89 is a full-service preparation, training and placement agency. ”

      that looks like they offer somekind of training service, i.e modeling school. Are you are looking for modeling classes? and yes, I would imagine you must pay for those.

  14. Anon Usly

    I went to this casting call for talent and they said not professionals and stuff like that and then they said it costs. So like 6 months later there was another one but a different company name? But the funny part was i talk to the same guy!! I couldn’t believe it and that cost to! I was wondering if you have ever heard of the company name TAI? I tried looking it up after about 6 more months and I can’t find it!

    1. free audition listings

      Scams change names often, as soon as any bad press comes along, they switch company names. NEVER pay to audition. An audition is just a job interview for actors, if you were a cook, you would never pay to interview at some restaurant! Also, it is not legal and any company asking for money at a chance at a job is breaking the law. They know that, that is why most of them have a paragraph in their TOS that states “They are not an agent, an employer or casting director and have zero to do with getting anyone a job”. Sales people can tell you anything on the phone to get their commission, once the money is paid, you never hear from them again and they are protected because their scripts are written in a way that skirts it all. i.e They say so and so casting director is very interested in someone “just like you”. You hear “you” but that is not what they said, it’s what you wanted to hear.

  15. Myron

    Can you guys get mii a disney audition or a website to get one or even a talent agent source im in michigan

    1. free audition listings

      Disney does hold open calls a few times a year. They are announced a few weeks prior. Other than those, the only way to get an audition with a Disney Channel show is through an agent. There is a list of acting agents on the site as well as the union sites.

  16. xia

    I wanted to know if exploretalent is real or fake??????

    1. free audition listings

      Not sure what you mean by fake. Exploretalent is a website that lists notices but charges a fee to see the contact info. They are not an agency.

    2. Haylee Flanary

      can someone tell if the Launch showcase held in Chicago is the real deal? I auditioned yesterday for free and they called me back to go to the showcase next month to perform in front of agencies and scouts everywhere. I have to pay $2195 for the showcase plus my hotel and flight. Can someone tell me if it’s legit or not before i spend my money? Deposit is due in a week.

  17. cristian

    Is it possible to find a legit movie or t.v show audition online and what web site would you recommand, and is explore talent fake.

    1. free audition listings

      yeah, there’s plenty open castings for movie extras – look at home page of this site. As for Explore, I know they list auditions but not much more.

  18. Aaron

    I got a CALL from OneSourceTalent, I scheduled an appointment. After waiting for just a few minutes, a group of us were called. I went into an office, they took a picture and said that was it. Scam ?

  19. Cynthia

    Thanks so much for this article beacuse i was going to a audtion for acting and it turned out he was a scam!

  20. Diana

    I recently went on ‘’ looking for work. I came across an add looking for people for modelling and TV by a agency called Spy Model Agency, which said to go on their website and fill out an application form that only asked for details like name, age, hair/eye colour, height and address and phone number. They didn’t ask for a photo. I did that and a few days later received an email telling me that my application is being processed and they will let me know. I received another email after that saying that my application has been approved and that they would like me to meet with 2 talent manager in an inner city cafe so that hey can decide whether to sign me. They also said if they do decide i will have to pay $95 deposit to book photographer and later on for the portfolio or if i have one i might have to do it again if it doesn’t fit their image. I checked their website and it looks kind of legit. I am just a little worried so if u could help me i would greatly appreciate it. 🙂

    1. free audition listings

      A model agent / agency does NOT advertise. Legit agencies have models knocking on their doors daily, they do not run ads.

      Their application does not ask for a photo or weight… 2 very important things. If you read their terms and conditions they tell you they are a photo company and sell portfolios.

      Agents make money AFTER they get you work, not before.

  21. Amber

    I found an ad on craigslist about an upcoming reality show that I responded to, I sent him a few pictures of my face and stated why I wanted to be in the reality show because that’s what it asked for, I then got a reply saying
    “I feel that you would be perfect
    for the new tv series! After

    viewing over 500 photos,

    I am leaning towards choosing you.

    I need you to convince me a little more.

    Write me again and tell me from

    your heart, why I should choose you!!” I then sent back a response and informed him of some drama that may be useful for a reality tv show and he responded “Amber:

    The new television series details are confidential. If I decide to choose you, your smmer adventure & relationship, will be a welcomed change in reality tv.

    I will be in Wilmington soon, we can grab dinner together and discuss your desire to appear on the new reality series.” obviously I don’t want to meet with someone if it’s a scam and end up being kidnapped or killed, so what is your opinion on this.

    1. free audition listings

      Casting directors do not normally take someone they never met to dinner, they schedule a casting call in an office.

      If you go, do not go alone! Take a boyfriend…or 2.

  22. Ellen

    Have you heard anything about HNE? A $300 profile set up fee? I did fill out an application a few months ago for the amazing race. Could that application information be sold?

    1. free audition listings

      It is free to apply for Amazing Race . It is free to apply for all reality shows. If you want to apply for any show, you gotta do it directly, i.e. use the shows contact info. That is the only way to know if the application was sent.

  23. Christina

    Hi. So yeah I signed up for webiste so they can help me get auditions so a few days later they called me talking about all the thing that they can do fro me and etc. And after all the sweet talking the man on the phone said yeah you will just have to pay like 90 dollar for three free months or something like that. and then he’s like how would you like to pay using a check or credit card. and it seemed like he was rushing me into like I couldn’t get a chance to think. But something told me no this is a scam. And when I said no I have to think about it, he’s like don’t miss out on this opportunity, everyone’s gotta give up something and etc. he was just very anxious to make me pay. Scam isnt it?

  24. anonymous

    this man named frank emailed me talking bout a tommy hilfiger modeling contract that i wouldnt have to pay anything and we would be able to work with you in your area close by so no traveling would be necc.he told me to chose my rate for 2 hours nd my information is needed to get the cashupfront i wont pay for the photographer hairstylest nothing everything finacially would be takin care of by the company so what do i do is dis a scam?

    1. free audition listings

      Cash up front is always a scam. No one pays people sight unseen and trusts them. This is most likely the Nigerian check scam which gets people to cash fake checks, money orders, etc., wire them money for something and keep the rest as pay. After you wire the money, your bank tells you the check is fake and holds you accountable to pay them back. Never cash checks from people you do not know.

      If you recently sent in a portfolio for a gig then maybe, but if someone emails you out of the blue then it is some sort of scam for sure. They ALWAYS tell you it’s free at first, then they get you in there or on the phone and talk you into stuff. Watch out for that. Fashion houses do not email people offering work. They use agents.

    2. Lori

      Have you met them? did they explain to you specifically what you will be casting for, for modeling?
      Are they already in your area? Why would someone come to you and have you model for them? many agencies as in Explore Talent will tell you that if you get a modeling gig that they will pay for for your portfolio, and you won’t even get to keep the clothes, they also explain to you that they are not responsible for anyone that you are asked to be casted for, to use your very own judgement that alone should be a red flag.

      I had used them and when trying to contact them, I end up speaking to someone from the Philippines, who lied to me when I asked to speak to the American that I spoke to. The lady even tried to change her accent and sound American which was funny in itself.

      I was under the impression they were a liaison, the middle person. But for their $59 they already made a profit off of me and my kids pictures are on the profile that I cannot take down. I signed up and was how can you sign up for an agency with no signature, but they sure got my credit card number. There should be forms to fill out before you sign in with ANY agency!

      1. Julia

        They are not an agency. The money you paid was for a profile. Their site states…. ExploreTalent is not an employment agent or modeling agency & does not procure, get, promise employment, jobs or booking.

  25. tenesha

    what are your opinions about one-source talent? They contacted me and asked me to trael to nyc…once there i ws informed that i was selected for the company and that when i came back, i would need to bring 500…and not only that but i would also be required to pay 40 a month for a digital fee…what is up with that?

    1. free audition listings

      Don’t do it. You should never have to pay to get a job and actually new laws have made such practices not legal, such as the “paying for a chance at an audition” and other such vague, now illegal, practices. If you want a FREE profile, create a Facebook, MySpace, etc. Telemarketers are notorious for playing on dreams (and words) in this industry. If you listen to the sales pitch carefully, you will see they are selling you on very expensive web space, pictures and conventions. None of which include getting you work because they ARE NOT agents or casting directors and have zero to do with casting anything.

      1. So

        I saw and replied to this model/acting post Saturday. They had contacted me through the phone Tuesday. I can’t remember what exactly he said and sorry for not using correct terms but bare with me. He had said his higher up or I guess supervisor had saw my 3 basic photos I had attached to the e-mail on my reply to the post to show you know basically if my looks are needed. Lol So as we were talking on the phone he told me is Sunday 5 pm good, he gave me the address of course, but I completely forgot to ask other questions also instead of just agreeing on the basics. So he say they are in Atlanta, like its in the post I know. I didn’t ask what was the company name so I could look it up if it was really legit, but he told me to show up 15-20 mins early, dress properly, and when I come in look for Bredon, if I spelled it right. He also told me I can call either him or the office if I had any questions. I don’t wanna call today on Christmas and ruin it for me and them. Shoot who know I just might!

        1. erica

          Sounds like a scam. Legit agencies keep Monday through Friday office hours, not Sunday evenings. Scams like to do weekends because they want working folks who have money. Scams LIVE on Craigslist, I have yet to see a legit modeling or acting agent advertise on Craigslist. Actually, most legit agents do not advertise. All legit companies would tell you their company name. If you go, they will try to sell you something. What does “dress properly” mean anyway?

    2. shanni

      hii I was also a victim of one source talent. They wanted 30 a month to keep your profile active on their website, and they wanted me to pay 1,000 for a photoshoot. #scammmmm

    3. luz

      Same thing happened to me with one source. I payed the 500 bucks and they did not do anything for me.

    4. Molly Hansen

      This “Agency” is not real.
      They say that if you pay with a credit card they won’t take money out right away for the next month. I lost a good amount of money.
      Also if you search up one source talent….I suggest checking the reviews. You will learn a lot. Everyone gets scammed with OST.
      Everyone has a different story on how they are fake and a lot of people have the same story. I’m just saying if you don’t want to waste money don’t use OST.
      Honestly I would trust Barbizon.
      It a great Agency and I’m getting really far with it…and I have gotten great opportunities!

  26. Emily

    I can’t beleive it! im only ten and ive just been scammed -crys-

    1. Jared

      My daughter also just “auditioned” for -Seattle Talent here in Washington.
      She got the call back and then when we meet with them it was the same as listed bleep they wanted us to sign a contract and pay over $2000 in 4 payments. I understand that you feel this is too much for acting classes and not legit. Where do you recommend as a class or workshop that would be valid experience on a resume?

      1. kiliyah M

        I went to an audition called 321 shine and I got call backs. I’m ONLY 11 and I got scammed. If auditions for movies or anything ask for money its a scam. They asked my mom for 1,950 dollars but my mom is poor so they asked for 500. I don’t under stand. I was crying so bad, they are like robbers and kidnappers, they just want money and they crush little kids dreams….

        1. erica

          I hope you are not crying about losing the opportunity. The people that do this are not casting directors, they cannot get you a role. I hope you don’t feel like you lost your opportunity, there wasn’t one there to lose. They are salespeople. Don’t give up on your dreams just realize it will take work, not just money. Remember, most dreams don’t come easy. I know quite a few child actors, the thing they all have in common is they worked at it. They do tons of theater shows, local productions, etc, to get some experience and then the parents put a resume together that they sent out to agents. REAL agents do not charge up front fees. From there, they got auditions for bigger projects.

        2. Kendall S.

          I was about to go to an audition for Barbazon,(I AM ONLY TEN PEOPLE!) when me and my mom did some research cause, my mom’s friend got an audition and got scammed! (I was invited to it at south Center mall after seeing Nine Lives) Turns out they are BIG FAT Lying SCAMMERS! That’s right. I did LOTS of research and read this! I was about to get scammed people. Then I decided I DID NOT, want to go any more. A DARN TEN YEAR OLD ALMOST GOT SCAMMED. THESE PEOPLE ARE LYING BUTT HEADS THAT ARE SELFISH AND ONLY CARE ABOUT ONE THANG….. MONEY! (Like Donald Trump, my opinion) They. Are. Dream. Crushers. Of. Little. Kids.
          I suggest that you NEVER go here. I HATE THESE PEOPLE! *Screams and Cries*

      2. Jose Claros

        Is Seattle – Talent and Scam company? My son auditioned for them Yesterday.
        They ask to pay Today as a last day $ 2.000 in 4 payments. This is real company or we going to loose our money?

        1. erica

          You will most definitely lose your money. You cannot buy fame for a few thousand dollars. If that was possible, everyone would be a super star. Agencies make money from booking their talent in productions with the productions footing the bill. If a company makes money by charging the talent then they obviously have no way to actually book talent.

        2. Rabinoue jean Pierre

          Hi, just got an audition for IMTA on Saturday May 27.2017 my son is 5 year-old but on Sunday May 28 2017. I went there to see them they tall me the package for Son cost 785:00$ I need to give 4,000$ now and after couples day to give the rest of the money I feel something wrong but I didn’t give them know money yet since is memorial day Monday May 29 2017 so there’s no bank open but what’s make me feel like is a scam because he give me an account number where to deposit the money for casting, please help thank you.

          1. steve

            yea, I paid $4000 for a walk on role.

          2. erica

            On what show? That’s extreme. Any extras that work on large projects should be paid, not the other way around.

      3. Viktoria

        I recommend you (redacted) acting school. It is not too expensive but will look adorable in resume

    2. AJ

      My child has been contacted by MMG several times. I haven’t responded. Do you know anything about them?

      1. erica

        Simply Googling the company brings up many results.

    3. Ella

      Sorry, me too I am ten years old but I have never been scammed

    4. Darnell Etienne

      I’ve been scammed. Nine9 told me that they would make me an actor. They completely scammed me! I don’t know if it was a scam or if they could not respond to the thousands of emails I sent!! But they can get to other people.


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