How to Spot a Modeling / Acting Scam

Are you worried that an acting audition or modeling job you are interested in or that was offered may not be real?

If so, read on to find out what the red flags are.

There are too many marketing companies that prey on a persons quest for fame. These companies and their affiliates post casting notices, auditions and ads on Craigslist, and other free classified sites that refer to fake auditions and non existent castings for jobs that sound real. Some also use ads on the radio and newspapers to entice people.


Here is why they do this. Money!
There are many different scams preying on people trying to break into the industry. Here are just a few.

There are many companies claiming to be agencies that will claim to find you work… if you pay them. They don’t just come out and ask for money, they first get your confidence and reel you in slowly. Often times they schedule a “fake” audition (they don’t ask for money here to put you at ease), then they call and tell you ‘you are great’ come in for a 2nd audition and sometimes a 3rd. Once there, they tell you “you are perfect… but…”. This is where the salesperson kicks in and tries to sell you on photos, portfolios, online portfolios, classes, conventions and anything else they can push on you. The audition was not actually for a real part in any production, it was to evaluate how much you will spend and how much they can sucker you out of.

Then there are companies that don’t sell any services themselves, they get paid to sell your information to companies that have telemarketers and salespeople.

The companies / individuals involved are paid to get “leads”. Leads are people of a certain demographic such as child, teen, man, etc. that have a interest, such as acting or modeling, that they can later exploit by way of email spam, telemarketing, etc. After you answer a “fake” casting (much of craigslist was fake when I tested it), you will begin getting offers through email and sales pitches from telemarketers, all aimed at getting you to sign up for some service.

Many times they call you and say they have an audition for you. They pose as casting directors, agents, etc. They try to get you excited and pump up your ego with flattery. Real agents and casting directors do not just pick a name ‘out of a hat’ and offer a high paying acting job to someone they never met or seen perform.

When the telemarketers are done with you, your info gets sold to the next company and the routine starts again. Some internet marketers go as far as responding to your inquiry with a message that “you are perfect” or “will send the audition details”, but first… please go here and do this.

This is a different type of scam and not that obvious to most.
Those affiliates get paid to funnel people to other sites, usually sites that deal with background checks or security of some kind. Age and citizenship verification are a common ploy. I answered one Extra casting (sounded very real) that sent me to a site that does ssl certificates. Most people would not even understand that ssl certification is for online shopping carts and has zero to to do acting or auditions. The marketer just used that because it went along the lines of “verify your identity” for the fake casting call and he gets paid 30 bucks for every FREE lead he sends to the company. He is scamming them too! I was looking for an audition, NOT a shopping cart! I am useless as a lead to them, but he still gets paid ’till caught. Then he moves on to the next company looking for leads.


Here’s how to spot the real castings from the fakes.

Remember, real casting directors will always want a headshot, resume, acting reel, and for modeling things such as height, weight, size, etc. If all they ask for is an optional photo and contact info than beware. The scammers need the photo because the sales pitch involves a lot of flattery. The sales pitch is honed to make you feel special and chosen.

  • Beware of anyone looking for “new faces”. Everyone has a new face! You can walk out your door and find dozens in a minute! The word “new faces” is a red flag.
  • Beware of general needs such as “any ethnicity, ages 5 to 75” that’s almost EVERYONE! Real castings have specific needs (with the exception of extras / background).
  • Beware of “no experience necessary.” While some casting calls for kids and background actors do not require experience, most principal roles require both.
  • Beware of ads with large pay. Ads that read like “models and actors needed for ‘put in any large brand here’ pay is $1800 daily and job is 4 to 5 days….”
  • Beware of ads that quote union rates such as $752 a day without mention of union. They are just pulling union jobs knowing you have ZERO way of getting the gig or worse, making them up and quoting union rates.
  • Beware of anything that asks for lingerie, topless, etc. and request pics from you to be considered. Use your imagination on what someone will do with those. Real casting directors will want head shots, full body shot(clothed) and measurements.
  • Beware of webcam auditions, Skype auditions and the like from people you do not know. There are legit ones done that way with experienced actors and scammers are playing on that. There have been many scams where ladies did those and were talked out of their clothing by people saying “I need to see what you really look like” and other lines. Those videos then get sold in other countries and end up all over the internet for others enjoyment.
  • Beware of Extras casting calls that are nationwide. Generally, large productions go through a casting company. Anyone posting things like “Extras needed to make scene look ‘real’,  ‘Insert big movie name here’ pays $300 daily” is a scam. Non-Union extras earn about minimum wage and are ALWAYS cast locally.
  • Beware of anyone asking you to follow a link to do a background check. Do not sign up for any background or age verification site. Those are 100% scam, even though it seems free for you to do it, the scammer is selling your info to an unsuspecting company and you will never hear back about the audition.
  • Beware of anything that says call some number, casting agents are waiting. Casting directors look at headshots and resumes than call back who they like. They do not sit by a phone waiting for everyone and their mom to call without even knowing if they fit. Basically, they call you if they like you.
  • Beware of ANYONE that approaches you at a shopping mall to sign you up to audition for Disney Channel or whatever. Those are 100% fake. Disney does not work that way nor does any casting director. Those are sales people who are trying to get you in the door so they can then sell you stuff. There is no audition!!!!! You will be wasting your time going and many meetings later they will ask for payment for some inferior service. It takes many meeting because they attempt to gain your trust and have you invest your time. They try to make it look like they are doing auditions, then callbacks, etc. Not for a real role. It is for the opportunity to work with them and they make people feel special for being selected to come back so much. Fact is, they do that with everyone and the only thing they are evaluating is your ability to pay up.

And lastly, beware of anyone selling anything. Remember, you applied for a JOB! Means, they pay YOU!


How to protect yourself:

Get an email, an anonymous one for casting calls that you respond to. That way if it gets spammed, you can change it easily.

NEVER, follow a link to another site asking you to enter private information that has zero to do with what you are applying for.

Do your homework – Google company names. If you want to see any bad press you can Google ‘company name scam’ or things along that line. Check consumer report sites. Many try to hide the bad press and small operations change names often. If you can’t find anything about them, that’s a red flag.

You can check how long their website has been around by doing a ‘who is’ search. I just ran into a agency that looked fishy the other day. They claimed tons of credits and offered promises of fame. I checked them out. Their company website was created a few days back, hosted in the Ukraine and registered anonymously. Unless the Ukraine is the new Hollywood, I’m thinking, this may be a scam.

Remember, if it sounds like a dream, it most likely is just some low life trying to pay his bills off yours. Real jobs take commitment, training and diligence. You begin at the bottom with low paying jobs and castings in small productions, then work your way up as it is in any industry. Once you get some training, a resume and experience, then you get an agent to go after the larger jobs.

With all the above said, there are great opportunities available. You just need to learn how to stay away from the scammers. With practice, you will learn to spot the real from the fake. Even I still get fooled by some. Luckily, the readers normally catch those and leave me a comment to remove the spam.

Also, comments are taken and will be posted on this page. Add your own tips to avoid modeling and acting scams. I will moderate and post.

You can also read child acting scams for more info.

468 thoughts on “How to Spot a Modeling / Acting Scam

  1. jennifer

    I filled out the application it asked for my name , number, gender,and my age the called me the day after they talked to my parents and they said they would like me to go to there office in framanhan mass to audition in acting and modeling. I have no idea if this is a scam plz help!!!!!:/

  2. Nicole

    I sent in my head shot, resume, and reel for a casting call for a sprint commercial. They made me do a conference call, then the next day they said I got it. At first it seemed real asking what agency I was with, am I a SAG member, have to sign a disclosure document, etc. but now they want me to register on the web site
    I feel this is a scam, what do you think?

    1. Julia Fielding

      It is a total scam! That site is a complete mess that looks like a 9 year old made it and they want 60 bucks a month to join that junk. Scammers.

  3. Oliver

    I have given my youtube channel link it has my dance video… I am an actor model dancer and a painter.

  4. kristen

    that’s what im still trying to figure out. i don’t know if what i was doing was going to benefit me or them. so you think its a scam?

  5. R. Wilson

    Hello, my daughter went to a 2 hour session yesterday @ Hollywood Access, they showed us pictures of actors that got on tv, did interviews & a camera session then asked for us to call them back to see if our child made the cut & of course wanted money for lessons. if so… have you heard of them, are they legit??

    1. Diane

      What ever happened with your experience at Hollywood Access. We just went thru that also and it appears shady.. Gem Wiltshire the owner used to own a John Robert Powers that was a scam and the same tactic was used here. They wanted money that night and didn’t want to wait. Wondering what happened with your daughter.

  6. Kristen

    Hey, I modeled for Audition America Tour & was chosen as one of the winners, but then after they told me in order to keep going I have to pay a 3 payments of $50 & that we have up to 20 different photoshoots, A shirt that says audition america tour , we can only wear one outfit & we get all our pictures on a CD. & 3 payments of $99 for the same thing but more photoshoots, 2 outfits & instead of the CD we get the portfolio & a TShirt that says Audition America Tour. Then the finals we have to compete and I guess this time they record you either singing, dancing, modeling, or acting. They said they send it out to about 75 different agencies. Then you wait a couple weeks for them to see if any of them want to sign you. Is it a scam??

    1. casting

      So exactly what were you auditioning for? A chance to pay them for photos? Why do you have to win or be picked for a chance to buy something?

  7. Nikola

    i found an ad on kijij where in Hamilton Ontario they are looking for models to model for Arabic clothes, they asked me to send pictures and give them my date of birth and said they would book me for an audition by the end of the week. I’m not going to the audition because I just found out reading on your site that it’s all a scam. I’m just wondering what are they going to do with my 2 photos and my date of birth? The 2 photos weren’t that great anyway.

    1. casting

      Not sure why you think they are a scam.

      Wouldn’t worry about anyone having your headshots. I really can’t think of anything anyone would do with them. Many scammers ask for photos of you so they can later sell you something and having your photos allows them to use flattery.

      We are in the digital era and getting photos of anyone and anything is just a click away on Facebook… assuming these are not explicit photos.

  8. Anonymous

    Funny. I was called yesterday to interview at an open casting call today at John Casablancas. I upfront told her I wasn’t doing classes. She assured me that’s not what it was about. Any opinions?

    1. casting

      Their site’s description says “John Casablancas Modeling and Career Centers is a United States based training system designed to help new talent pursue careers in the modeling”

      If you Google the name, the above is the description of the site.

      from their site “At John Casablancas, we are committed to providing students with the tools they need to create an individual and unique style in a fun, exciting and professional environment. ” key word being student.

      You can go to consumer sites like ripoff report and see what former students say.

  9. Linda

    Is Audition America a scam?
    I passed the first round now they want close to $300 for pictures.
    It is a mall talent search.

    1. casting

      RE: Is Audition America a scam?

      Audition America is NOT an agent. They are a convention and photo service. Casting directors do NOT do mall talent searches, EVER. There are just too many trained and qualified actors currently waiting tables who would love an acting job. They have no reason to waste time approaching unqualified and non-trained beginners at Macy’s. It is simply not the way any industry works.

  10. Anonymous Lady

    Is John Casablancas a scam or not? I applied for this website called ExploreTalent.Com and I added Professional headshots, and all that stuff, including my weight and shoe size, also my age. Then 2 months later, my dad got a call saying that I was selected for both Modeling and Acting. I auditioned and I got a “B”, I was surprised because I know NOTHING about modeling lol. I just did it. Then they called me for a second one. It’s going to be held next week. They haven’t asked me for any money at all. But my friend is in John Casablancas she has to pay for her classes. She’s doing very well. She’s even doing something for Disney Channel. A lot of people have been telling me that it’s a scam (in other websites) but according to her, it’s not. We’re really, really close friends too. So I just really want to know if it really is a scam or not… Thanks, I’m very much appreciative.

    1. casting

      John Casablancas offers classes and paid for services. They are not an agency. Yes, they will ask for money.

  11. Ellie

    Model Discovery comment from Charity- I took my kids and they did pretty much what they advertised. I got pix of my kids that they said I can take to an agency and they gave us a list for agencies in the 2 areas we were interested in who they said were reputable. They had a model agency booker from NYC that was there, but he didn’t really rep kids, which was not a problem. My husband queried him on the side and he said that this Bumper person- the photographer- was shooting Tommy Hilfiger in the past and that he wouldn’t be flying in from NYC to just hang out if it wasn’t legit.

    I went to a website that was listed as his when my husband googled him- if it was a scam, he would have gone and made them pay the money back. I found his celebrity page and it was all that he said- and his lifestyle pages and fashion pages are surely legit.

    I’m sending the pix out and would recommend people to not look at their service as a scam, its what they said, in my opinion. I modeled in the past and I know that people can have too high of an expectation, and I was guilty of that, was brought down to earth and found a niche in sports related ad work, so I know its tough, but this is a good way to get photos from a photographer without giving up 1600 bucks on a pro package from testing like I did. That worked, but my kids are just starting, so this was what we needed. We did get about 45 of my daughter, and about 60 of my son- he’s younger, and he’s squirming and probably took more to get good ones, but these will work for us! Hope this helps.

  12. Karen Call

    I’m amazed at all of the people commenting on this website who have not bothered to read the article or the surrounding comments, where the website host already answered the question. Several times, in fact, and patiently. Learn to read. Stop being lazy. (Oh wait. I forgot. More than half of those writing probably will not stop to read this or the article itself.). /sigh

    A tip for searching: ctrl-F is your best friend. Just like anything in life, you will get what you’re looking for when you search and work for it: not “waiting” for someone to plop the opportunity, deal, or “dream” that you haven’t been actively pursuing acting school classes for and community theatre with, right in your lap (and especially not for a fee that pays them when you’re supposed to be the one doing the work.).

    Get your own photographer. Get your own experience from local productions that do not ask you for money for you to act in.

  13. Presley Delacruz

    I can’t believe it. I should of checked first before I wasted almost $5,000 on interface. Wow me my dad my sister and everyone else doing that got scammed and still is getting scammed now. I’m furious they are playing with mine and everyone else’s dream, that’s not right. >:(

  14. Jennifer

    Have you heard of Casting Hub? Sounds like all the scams you said in other posts. My son wants to audition with them.

    1. Jerry

      Casting Hub is NOT an agent, they have no way of getting you work. The auditions are a bait and switch tactic to get you in so their salespeople can bleed you dry by selling you on expensive photos, classes, conventions, websites and what not. Disney, Nickelodeon and others DO NOT work this way and do not use such companies to find talent. These types of auditions are not real auditions for work. They use the word audition to get you interested and hooked.

  15. Dee

    Has anyone ever become famous sending in photos to modelling agencys? How can the agencies check over thousands of photos that way?

  16. Alan Herriot

    I would like to know if there are any legitimate modeling and/or acting classes in Las Vegas, NV? Thanks for your help!!!!

  17. Chibby

    I went for an audition yesterday at Seattle Talents. I was told to sing and read a commercial. I called them today and they said everything is ok. They said I do not need any classes but before I sign a contract with them, I need to take a photo headshot that cost $465.00. Please is Seattle Talent genuine?

    1. casting

      Legit agents do not charge upfront fees and force you to do a photo shoot with them.

  18. Alexis

    I’m so pissed right now! My sister-in-law was at the mall with her child, dropped his name and her contact info in an “Audition America” box in front of Macy’s…She then got a call about a week later saying they wanted to see her son. Excited, she told everyone about it and I decided I’d love to watch my lil nephew work the runway and wow the judges at his audition! When we arrived, I thought every thing looked pretty “legit”…There was a stage, “scouts”, even a mini photo shoot stage. After the introduction, which included a short greeting from the “founder” of “Audition America”, two “success” stories about two models that “started it all” with “Audition America” and even an example of how one is supposed to audition, the “real” audition began. All in all, the “audition” lasted no longer than 30 seconds per “contestant”. After all “contestants” or should I say VICTIMS walked down the runway, every one returned to their seats and waited to find out if the “passed” or had to “try again”. Of course, my beautiful nephew passed and we were all very pleased. THEN we were given a piece of paper saying the next step was a 15 look photo shoot, because he is under 5. When the “scout” “explained” the shoot, she said $10 a shot…She left out the part that you had to get AT LEAST 15 shots, bringing the total to $150…That is where I became concerned. From my past experiences with other SCAMS I learned that no money should be given up front, especially if YOU are looking for WORK. These people present themselves very smart. They do not mention anything about PAYMENTS until the very END, when your hopes high. They are full of shit and know what they are doing. I feel bad for my sis in law, cuz she was F***ED out of $150 she could have used, but honestly, I feel worse for the people running this “company”. They are doing wrong, selling dreams, and are fully aware of it. Screw them for real.

  19. Patti Ann

    Anyone ever heard of a talent/modeling agency charging for an interview? This is for a 7 month old….pics were sent into this agency in Atlanta and they want to see him, however, are charging for an interview….Called Atlanta’s Young Faces…anyone had any contact with them?

  20. Charity

    For those of you inquiring about Model Discovery Casting, I just took my kids today and basically it is a glorified portrait session. I originally heard about them through Living Social. It was advertised as: All-Ages Fashion Shoot with Celebrity Photographer, Plus Casting Call with Modeling Agent and $100 Toward Hair, Makeup, or Photo Package. So, we waited an hour and a half before our photo shoot. My kids just wore the clothes they came in, costume changes were not allowed. Their website says they do a 50 image shoot, but I bought a voucher for each of my 2 kids, and I’m pretty sure we didn’t even get 50 images in total. There was no casting call, it was just advice/question & answer with an agent. And by advice, I mean a piece of paper with a list of agencies to contact. They give $100 to spend on either hair & makeup ($50) or a USB drive with all your images and the rights to those images ($299).

    I wouldn’t classify Model Discovery Casting as a scam, per se. They do most of what they claim, maybe just not to the extent they claim. It seems very half-assed compared to their website or the Living Social description. Definitely not worth the money. If you want to get nice head shots and get advice on how to solicit your photos to agencies, I would suggest finding an amateur photographer with a good camera and do you research online. You would get the same results, if not better than going to MDC!!!

  21. Sylvia

    Vogue fashion models. Any one heard of this? Their not asking for money…..yet.

  22. steve

    thanks i really appreciate the help but …i need to find an agent and im in michigan i called the burbank one that was on the link and she was tellling me how theres no casting directors and how you actually have to live in the sate in order for it to work i understand the reality t.v. part but i need an agent would u possible kno anyone here in michigan….and for the casting calls for reality t.v or extras and anything special like that would you know exactly which one on the link or on ur website would i have to choose??? And thanks again for the help i’v been waiting for something like this to happen.

  23. steve

    I’m pretty sure that everyone on this site can agree with me when I said about the economy and I’m pretty sure they would like the same thing!!!!

  24. steve

    So is there any sites that are real…and not a scam for your money cause all I’m seeing here is how this website and that website is a scam. Is there any that aint. I mean seriously is there any that are really taking people and making them famous. I would love to become famous or at least get paid good money. This economy is s**t right now and I could use a lot more money than what I’m getting paid now and I dont have time for something to take forever and even if doing auditons and going to casting calls take for ever it will be worth it cause it would be alot easier. Where is there a real agencies that actually does real t.v. shows and actually is being serious when they say they did batman 3 or the amazing spider man or t.v. shows like 30 rock or any disney channel shows. Is there any please like the person who has created this site has to know something or some one out there. I’ve already been scammed by a few. Ican tell you right now EXPLORETELANT (SCAM) ONESOURCE (SCAM) and so is THEATRICS and a whole bunch of other ones. So like I said before can someone (most perferably the owner of this site) becuase you must know something….can they help plzz

    1. casting

      No website can make you famous, period! The industry does not work that way. If it was as easy as paying for a website and you become famous, everybody would be rich and famous. The only way into speaking parts in films is with an agent. To get an agent, an actor(who is not related to anyone in Hollywood) needs to work very hard and build up their resume. REAL agents do not charge upfront fees, tell you they will make you famous or promise riches. There is a list of agencies on this site

      To do reality TV or extra work you do not need an agent, you can just reply to the casting calls.

  25. Destinee

    I Replied To A Post On Craigslist About A Modeling Job. The Guy Shane Corder Said That They Are Gonna Pay Me $1000 Before I Start The Photo shoot, So He Asked For My Full Address. And Then The Other Thousand After We’re Done. He Asked For A Few Pictures Before Hand, And Then Said I Had The Job. I Would Really Like To Know If This Is A Scam.

    1. casting

      Its a scam for sure. Sounds like the Nigerian check scam where they send you a fake check, have you cash it and Western Union some money.

  26. Beth

    Was trying to find out information on “The Event March 2013”. But after reading your information have decided that it is a SCAM based on the fact that one would have to pay $1950 + $895 parent fee to attend the event. Thanks so much for being a great resource for parents that want to help their kids achieve a dream! Thanks!!

  27. Patty

    I want to know if Model Discovery Casting is legit. They have a deal on living social but I’m just not sure to purchase it or not. I want to know if it’s a scam.

    1. casting

      Patty, They seem to be a convention and photo service, not an agency. Only an agency can get you work. If you read their website, they say “MDC offers photography..” I do not know what you are looking for, if you are looking for a photographer then you should look at their work and get some references before buying photo services.

      Reputable photographers do not do conventions and cattle call formats. Reputable photographers do 1 on 1 sessions so that the model gets exactly what she wants. If you do choose to get photos from them, make sure you are clear on all fees because on top of the fee they state of 399.00 there may be fees for makeup, stylist, prints, etc.

  28. ms.napier

    Is one source talent a fake (

  29. ms.napier

    Hi I need your help ASAP. I applied for a new Tyler Perry movie and I got a call the next day and email saying they want to meet with me. The appt is like 2 hrs away from me. He seems to be very professional. He sent me a time and location what to wear he states that I should look professional don’t be late, light make up, have a positive attitude, just the whole nine yard. I’m concerned, is this real or fake before I put myself in some trouble or spend my last dollars trying to travel. It’s called one soured talent and he ask me to meet in Chicago where to park and how to the building and that I have to give the receptionist my cold number before I enter. Help I need to know before 11/3/2012

    1. Andrea

      You cannot apply online for any speaking part in any movie. Auditions for large productions are not done through online submissions, period. To book an audition, you would first need an agent. You say they told you to ” I should look professional, don’t be late, light make up, have a positive attitude”. Is that opposed to coming with a bad attitude, dressed in pajamas and late? Google the company name to get more info and try some consumer sites.

  30. Blue blood

    Do you have to pay a 10% attorney fee for a reality show. I sent a brief bio and pictures in I was sent a contract to fax and a name to western union 49 to. Is this a scam? Here is the link.

    1. casting

      YES, total scam. Anyone who asks to westen union money is scamming you!!!!! Google western union scams.


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