Getting a “real” Agent

Finding an agent to represent you isn’t an exact science but there are many unscrupulous phonies out there who call themselves an “agent” that you should be aware of. Did you know principal talent agencies rarely advertise? That’s right, real agencies usually have so many hopeful candidate lined up at the door overwhelming them with head-shots and resumes that they don’t even need to advertise to the public. However, extra agencies do sometimes advertise since there is such a big turnover rate in this arena.

Most well established agents also do not charge you a maintenance fees, as the agent is paid a commission when they land you a job. That’s not to say a maintenance fee never occurs, but it is a rarity. Most agency fees are only around $50 a year and should definitely not extend over $150. Be also cautious of agencies that are trying to sell you photo shoots or head shot services. The general procedure is your agent should only provide you a list of recommended photographers. Some agencies offer workshop and classes to their clients with some well-known established individual from the industry.

This is not uncommon and as long as the prices for these workshops/classes seem reasonable than everything should be okay. In conclusion, if something about the “agency” appears fishy than it’s probably already a good sign that something is not right. If all they are doing is trying to sell you products and get you to fork out a lot of cash then it very may well be a scam. In the meantime, continue to build your reel by going on auditions.

29 thoughts on “Getting a “real” Agent

  1. Alexis

    Hi my name is Alexis. I’m trying to find talent agencies that don’t charge or find a talent manager. I’ve done choir for six years and have done a acting class.

  2. Kassandra Zavala

    Hello, My name is Kassandra. I am a junior in high school. I just turned 17 this month. I can sing and dance. I have alsway’s wanted to act and I believe that I can do well. I have worked in production before with my family. I am a mixed child and live in Chicago Illinois. I hope you choose me. Thank you.

  3. jasmine brock

    Hi, my name is jasmine brock, I am 15 years of age, I’m a sophomore in high school. I can sing, act, and dance currently seeking an agent to help me grow and go big. please contact me.

  4. madyson

    Hi, I am 15 and I love to dance ,act,and goof around but I need a place to do this in South Korea. I am so motivated to do things and I love to do this.

  5. Omar Wilder

    My name is Omar. I’m 20 turning 21 this month and I really want to get my acting and modeling career off the ground. I could rap and write poetry I’m a quick learner and I’m willing to sacrifice things in order to get where I want to be

  6. Kiviette Dominguez

    Hi my name is Karina. I’m 16 looking for modeling or acting. I can also sing.

  7. Chuma

    My name is Chuma Musialike, I am interested in acting ever since I can remember and am looking for an Agent that is willing to invest in me and get me where I need to be…

  8. ashley baker

    Hey I’m Ashley I’m 15 years old and I really want to have an acting career. I’ve been in plays such as Alice in Wonderland, and I played the orphan Giggles in the play Broadway Lullaby. I would really like an agent to help me go bigger and get noticed by directors. please email me back. Thanks

  9. Nick Rene

    Hi,I’m Nick and I really wanna become a Disney channel or Disney XD or Nickelodeon star. I’m 15 and I’m a mixed race. I’m good at dancing, acting and singing. I really love so much to make people laugh. I speak English and French. I don’t know how to find an agent.

  10. Luz N

    I am 24 and I have been looking for an agent for so long. I got to work on a movie set once as a wardrobe intern and it was awesome. I just want some one to help me out.

  11. crystal

    I have a very outgoing well behaved 3 yr old girl. Who’s very adventurous and confident.

  12. C Hall

    I have a very talented dog, how or who can I contact to help us.

  13. Selina

    I have 3 years of runway modeling experience and I find it hard as a Bi-racial female to get the type of exposure that will help me get my acting/modeling career of the ground.

    I feel like I have been lucky to be connected to the clothing designers, hair stylist, and fashion shows that I have been working with who are more than glad to mention that I am a natural when it comes to the catwalk. Unfortunately I don’t have the luck of being born into wealth and all the advantages that come with that.

    I think it would be easier if I were wealthy. My dream all my life has been to work with Disney as an actress alongside Lindsey Lohan. My mom has put me into beauty pageants and other talent searches since I was 4 years old; she has poured her money and time into endless scams. The happiest moment of my life and hers was when I was 9 years old I met with a New York scout and I have a brief interview with this scout at the end of our interview he decided to give me a year contract.

    I sign my first contract at the age of 9 the best part of that contract was that he did not ask my mother for money up front and he stated that he would not make any money off of me until I was working and making money for myself first. The most disappointing time in my life was the fact that my agent was calling me for jobs but my mother was pregnant with my little sister and she had a very high risk pregnancy she could not even leave her bed let alone take me to the auditions that I was supposed to go to so to say the least that contract was voided and I never got that type of opportunity again.

    After that my mother tried everything she could to help me get the same type of contract but she just kept running into scams agencies asking for money up front not a little money the type of money my single parent mother just could not afford. I am a very transparent, intelligent girl with a very creative mind and I also acknowledge that modeling is hard work but I pound the pavement from the time I get up until I go to bed hoping to get 1 call back from the long list of casting jobs I apply for. I would love and welcome any and all the help that is out there and even if I can’t be an actress/model I would love to be in the industry in some way shape of form, like an editor, creative director, photographer, or a booker. so someone please contact me.

  14. paris

    Paris is the name, modeling, acting is my thing any help on real auditions in Maryland or DC.

    1. Sara Piña

      Hey, I’m sara and I am a 13 year old Mexican female. I am currently living in Oregon and looking for an agency that would take me. I am passionate about acting and I am confident. Thank you for taking you time to read this.

  15. DaNia

    HI , I’m turning 13 in Novemeber. I am good at acting and rollerblading. I was wondering if i could find an agent some how because regular people like me don’t get good oppourtunites that much.

  16. Hannah

    Hi! I’m 13 and I really want to land my acting career. I live in Kansas City, Missouri. I am willing to move if i need to in order to become an actress, the only problem is my parents aren’t exactly in for moving. Is there anyway I can act on Tv or movies without having to move?

  17. Robert Terrell

    Hi!! I am 16 years old, living in Columbia,SC! I love acting and entertaining people! I’m versital and can almost play any part that I am assigned too:) I just need one shot to prove myself! Please Contact me!!! Thank you!

  18. Mayla

    Hi, I’m almost 14. I’m African-American living in North Eastern, Ohio. I sing, dance , and act. I’m interested in acting in genres such as drama, and comedy. I like to sing R&B music also. And hip hop dancing is kinda my thing! (: Nickelodean and Disney, I’m up for anything! Contact me at Thanks! (:

  19. Bryan

    i am 13 and i am the new justin bieber looking for an agent

  20. Bridgette

    im 22 and i looking for an agent im living in South Africa

  21. tabitha

    Thank you for taking the time to read this. I have been talking to a major TV station, and we came up with an idea that will work. This is for my son. However they said we can not go any further until he has an agent. So that is what we are looking for, so we can get this going. Thank you

  22. theresa michelle

    Hey my name is theresa i am 14 in november i am in Tinie Tempah’s new music video Wrtitten in the stars. I am looking for a talent agent. I sing and i can act i speak 3 languages. Do u know where i can find a agent a link to agents or something?

  23. Amy Stout

    Hi I am a 14 year old girl from liverpool,england. I have been trying to find a decent agent for some time now and I was wondering if theres any you could recommend in the north west england area?. thanks.

  24. maria

    hi!! i was wondering… im mexican..and i really love acting.. i was wishing to find auditions in which i could send my audition taped.. I have experice, actually im in a tv kids program but the company is just for the city and i really want to move on to bigger enterprices like disney…nickelodion…nbc, etc….what do u recommend me to do since i cant get an agent?

    sorry i wrote my email incorrectly

  25. free audition listings

    I can not recommend any but am sure your instructors can. There are many great forums and boards, get involved with those. Best advise is always go in with a bit of skepticism when dealing with people you do not know and Google EVERYTHING. You can easily find out reputation from Googling a name or company. The sidebar of this site contains an extensive list of agents, you can also find agency lists on the 3 Union sites

  26. om Knight

    im currently studying at The Lee Strasberg Theatre and Film Institute in NY (just started) and wondered if you had any recommendations for agents?
    Many Thanks
    Tom Knight


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