Disney Casting Director Contacts

Contact Disney Casting Directors

Are you looking to audition for Disney?

Disney hires 1000’s of dancers, singers, actors, musicians and performers all year long for many different productions. Disney casts lots of shows in many different locations around the world.

Some of what Disney casting directors cast for is Disney Cruise Lines Auditions, Disneyland Resorts, International Disney resorts such as Disney Tokyo, Theatrical productions of their popular shows, Musicals, Stunt shows and many other productions.

Please note that the contacts below are for Live shows only – These are not the contacts for Disney Channel auditions or any filmed productions.

Disney Casting Director Contacts

Walt Disney World (FL)
Disney Talent Casting and Booking
Walt Disney Entertainment
P.O. Box 10000
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830

Disney Cruise Line
Talent Manager
Disney Cruise Line Entertainment
P.O. BOX 10210
Lake Buena Vista, FL 32830
Disney Entertainment Productions

P.O. Box 3232
Anaheim, CA 92803-3232

Disneyland Paris
Talent Casting
Bat. Merlin
B.P. 100
77777 MARNE LA VALLEE cedex 4

Disneyland Hong Kong

Please note that Disneyland Hong Kong has a web based contact here

118 thoughts on “Disney Casting Director Contacts

  1. Beauty

    Hello Disney
    My name Beauty, I’m 13 years old and I’m a very good singer and actor. It’s always been my dream to be a part of Disney.

  2. Ancy

    Hi my name is Ancy. I love acting I would be out of the world if I got any of the Disney shows.

  3. Mekhiah

    I would like to audition For The little mermaid.

  4. Kalyn

    Hello, I am 12 with blonde hair with natural highlights, 5″5 or 6 and I have dreamed of being an actress and all the movies I have watched make me want to be an actress really bad. If I get this, it would make me so very happy. And some people say I wont make it but I have confidence. Please Email Me Back Thanks so much. LOVE Kalyn.

  5. aurelio

    My conversations with Satan:

    I was with my girlfriend in Toronto (Canada) and we went to see the tallest building in the world with 147 floors. I was like a child with new shoes, very excited … what we were going to see that day, I told my girlfriend…
    – Honey today is a day different from the others, what you are going to see today will remain engraved for the rest of your days. When we go down from the 147th floor we will both go to a jeweler to mark the day and time of this moment and we will always remember it. Is that all right honey?
    She looked down and I believe she agreed with me.
    – You will see, to see the birds you have to look down! Because they don’t fly that high. In addition, the cars seem like toys, they are so small … hehehe…
    The building stood out from all the streets of Toronto like a giant among dwarves.
    My girlfriend and I arrived at the CN Tower. We both went to the elevators hand in hand. We let everyone in and we upload the last ones. When I looked at the control panel, it seemed to me that I was on an airplane, since almost all the lights were switched on. I pressed the last button and noticed that there was a negative sign, but it didn’t matter to me … so much was the illusion I had, that I saw nothing that could harm me.
    Suddenly … the doors closed like angry, with extreme violence. If they had caught us, they would have cut us in half. The elevator started violently and we reached the first floor from there it dropped down to the mezzanine. It was like the brave bulls that when they fall back is to gain more momentum, (in short, he went crazy).
    He went down to the -1 floor. The people who were there banged on the door, but the doors did not open, then at -2 floor and the same thing happened…. Moreover, at -3 floor some started crying and blaming me for touching the buttons. It continued to descend and we saw nothing but earth through the elevator windows. Next, we started to cross water, (I don’t know if it would be an ocean or a lake, there were some very rare fish, they had no eyes)…. We continued descending and, when we crossed the land again, we began to see through the crystals a huge glow. It was lava and I said to everyone:

    -These lava rivers go to supply all the volcanoes on earth, Krakatoa, Etna, Ruiz, Teide, etc., etc.! Cheer up! We’ve seen what no one has seen so far! … -I think they took me for a new Moses and weighed: … (he has put us here and this will take us out …) Sooner or later … for his sake! Finally, we came to a place where there were millions of people, it was horrible heat, they were all naked, the elevator doors opened. My girlfriend Olivia and I went out first. (We enter the last and we leave the first). We walked down a corridor that led us to the people who were there. At the end of the corridor, there were 5 people who blocked our way. The one in the center asked me.
    -Bad afternoons, do you know who I am?
    I said -Yes, you are Satan.
    -And why do you know?
    -For your eyes that are two tennis balls, for your nails that a short-toed eagle would already want and that have been doing your manicure for more than a thousand years and for the tail that you have that you are dragging and everyone steps on it.
    -Ahhh¡¡¡ and kept asking … -How did you get here if you are not on the list I receive every day? ANSWER, he shouted!
    -It was my fault, Sata. Well, I was wrong about buttons and instead of going up to the top, I have gone down to this abyss.
    -Why do you call me Sata?
    You see, (I explained):- It is that … I am from Madrid, and there we shorten the names. For example, a woman is called Maricarmen, because we call Mari, a woman is called Concepción … we call her Conchi and a man named Francisco we call him Paco …
    And Satan answered. – What if it’s called Cagancho? (hehehe)
    -Well you will see sometimes we make exceptions. (How bad is this Satan, I thought …)
    I asked him. What wrong have so many people done to be here in this heat?
    And he answered me most of them are ungrateful, and the others for cheating on their partners.
    Ahhh … I answered
    I have had a problem Satan said to me,
    -Which? I asked
    -An old Christian came in this morning, who did very good works, saved many lives, fed many people, but … when he was on his deathbed he said a word that I have to keep him here for many years.
    -What did you say?
    -He said PUÑETAS!
    -I thought to myself, HELL MUST BE FULL OF FOOLS!
    To be continue…. Ver menos

  6. Tiwalade

    Hi am Debbie, female, am from Nigeria, am 14 years old and I have the talent of acting and singing. I would love the opportunity to become an actor in your industry.

  7. Tanatswa

    Hi Disney. My name is Tanatswa. My little Sister’s name is Heather. We would like to to act on Disney Channel. I am a girl. We live in Zimbabwe.

  8. Glory

    My name is Glory Lazarus I am an aspiring Hollywood singer and actor from Nigeria , but I don’t have the fiancés to start up. I will love to be part of Disney please I need assistance. I am great at what I do. I also have some script writing ideas and I will like to share for corrections.

  9. bryan

    I am sure that Ii will work hard with you but I am in Cameroon in Yaounde. I will be very happy to turn to Hollywood, please help me.

  10. Edgar

    Hello it my Dream to act, please accept me and you won’t regret it.

  11. Fiona

    I believe in magic and want to make it real. I want to become a new Disney princess in real life or real pop up version. Fiona does not live in fantasy world and she live in real world? Questions: Fiona is not the guy actor and because she’s a female actress in Disney movies in real life! Tiger Lily, Mal, Vasilisa & Cinderella are friends. I am creating a new Disney movie which is called Vasilisa, instead, not Vasilisa the beautiful, a new Disney movie or live action movie, maybe a giant pop up book of fiction. I want to practice to be on Disney On Ice skating, the show and I am real.
    Emma Tate wants to become Baba Yaga, the Disney villain in real life and Zachary Couture got a real magic, crystal ball to see the real of life Baba Yaga. Now Craig wants to become a new Disney prince, maybe Ivan with real life leprechauns or Mike Campbell becoming Vasilisa’s father.

  12. Eli

    Hi Disney, my name is Eli. I love acting and I’ve been acting since I was 5 years old. I am now 12 years old, male and it’s my passion. I have been acting in school plays and right now I just need to be on Disney channel. I have a good memory to remember my scripts. Also, a fast learner that never gives up. I have a good voice, also I play the guitar and piano. I just pray to God so that I get the auditions.

  13. Vaasay

    Hi Disney my name is Vaasay. I’m 10 years old. I have a little bit of acting experience. I have no agents but I love Disney and I wish I could act in a Disney Channel movie. I LOVE DISNEY MOVIES AND ACTION.

  14. Esther

    Hi , my name is Esther. I am from Nigeria. I am 12 years old. I really want to be a Disney channel actress. I am a great singer and actress. The thing is I don’t want to be a Disney actress because of the fame I want to do because I want young girls like me know that if they put their hearts into it their dreams will come through .I hope you Disney can give me a chance to audition.

  15. estela violetta

    I would like to act in Disney. I love acting very much. Please let me audition. I promise you will love me.

  16. Yasina Nejati

    Ciao, sono Yasina, ho 13 anni e vorrei partecipare a uno dei film Disney, so suonare la chitarra e il pianoforte, e faccio parte del gruppo agonistico di ginnastica ritmica.

  17. Sue Ellen

    Hola Disney! I’m Sue Ellen, Suey for short, and I just love acting! I’m 13, but turning 14 this year. I’m about 4’10” which I think is kind of short for my age. Sometimes I think of that as an advantage for me though, because I can play the character of an 8 to 13 year old! I like sports and I just can’t stop dancing! I have black hair, a contagious smile and a supercalifragilisticexpialidocious personality! Hope you guys reply!

  18. Anoushka

    Dear Disney, It’s been a dream of mine to play a role on Disney Channel since I was 6 years old. Whenever I watched Disney shows I would think that it would be a truly amazing dream come true to see myself in the shoes of some of these actors and actresses. I want to also do it to inspire other children and make them believe that any dream of there’s can come true as well. I live in England but if I hypothetically did get the role, I would definitely move to America until the shoot is over. I love to act and until a year ago, I used to go to a acting, singing and dance academy where I went for an audition to sign with one of the agent. I got through the audition and so far I’ve had two photo shoots and also an audition for a theatre performance(Dorothy the wizard of oz.)I also took part in some of the shows like the Fame, Dorothy the wizard of Oz, The jungle book, Little shop of horrors and our 20th anniversary running as an academy. Sadly though I had to leave it as I was moving to another house and I was starting the 11+ so along with the academy I had to drop my agency but I am hoping to try out for Disney auditions online I really hope I get an audition at 11 years old it would mean a lot to me if you could just read this message even though I know you probably get many of them. Please email me if you ever see this and are interested in working with me.

  19. Miral

    Hello I am Miral and I have been acting/ preforming for 6 years and would love to get a part. I can speak French, Arabic, and English. I am always excited and can make 100 expressions. I have been preforming for adults, kids , toddlers , and babies! I have been a Disney for 6 years. I am 10 years old and I love to write stories and then act them in front of family and friends, school, teachers, and family friends! I have been watching Nick. and Disney every fay and I am watching your newest show right now. My sisters, my parents, my friends and I love watching Disney movies together always! I have been chosen for a international company I pop. I am always looking for new opportunities. My whole entire life I have been trying but no one replies. I hope that this miraculous group can change that. Have a lovely day.

  20. Zy'Teliyah Anderson-Madison

    I’m a platinum gymnast who does pageants and plays the viola. I’m in 8th grade in south Carolina. I’m very outgoing, rude, bossy, but I’m also caring, shy around guys, low key sensitive. I’m Regina gorge but with a low key good person personality. I have brown eyes, natural curly hair, I’m about 5 feet, light skin/brown skin and I think I would be perfect for a girl who loves to get intro trouble or someone who is rude and doesn’t care.

  21. Ronnie

    Been practicing since I was young. I love acting, I love doing pranks on Grandma, it’s fun I just want to be on Disney Channel and I love zombie that’s my favorite movie. I hope they make a Zombies 3 and 4 Willa is my best best best best favorite I wish I can just meet her.

  22. linda

    Hello, My name is Linda I am 10 years old, born in Canada, swimmer and Ballet dancer love to sing, acting is my blood, I was register with some acting and modeling agency but it cost me money without hiring, I was acting at my school and my home, I have very big imagination I can acting story from my mind, I can write a song from my mind in same time when someone ask me to do it, so please if you have any idea where and how can I get acting role will be very appreciating.

  23. Colton Moore

    Hi Disney I’m Colton Moore and I have watched the way Disney kids act and watched what they do. I would love to be apart of Disney.

  24. Rayelle

    Hello Disney, I’m sure that you get so many of these but just please listen and hear me out. I am a 11 year old female named Rayelle Reynante (Rey-el) and i’m in middle school (6th grade) with honors classes. Before you say that I am to young I am an artist, singer, actress, photographer, and a musician. I can play the piano, viola, and guitar (still learning). It would be an honor to work with Disney and I am really into animation and I know that you are busy but hopefully you see this. I really don’t want to work at Disney for the fame or money I just want to help make children to think that their dreams can come true and to just let their imagination run wild. I do have social media.

    If you want to contact me. I really hope I get the job but like I said I know that you guys are busy and get a lot of these but if you see this thank you for your time and the best of luck to you and who you are trying to find.

    1. Rayelle

      Also Email me if you want to see some of my new art and I will gladly send you some pictures back. 😀

  25. Aadam Daya

    Hi Disney my name is Aadam. I have been a big fan of Disney, I have watched a lot of Disney classics. I love lion king and have been watching all the live action movies. I am hoping they will make Lion king 2 Simba Pride. I want a role in lion king 2 live action as Nuka. I can act his part.

  26. Andrew

    Hi there to whom this may concern, my name is Andrew and I am from las Vegas Nevada. I would love to be a Disney director and my kids as an actor. I have a great script for Disney channel. I know my series will be #1 in Disney channel. It will be some thing that the world is longing for. We can do a pilot first and see what will happen. Lets talk and get this great script on the air. Can you please call me – Thank you so much for your time. Look forward to hearing from you soon.

  27. Derrica

    I would love to audition. I have been trying for a year, very hard for me and with other people. I would be so happy to do this year.

  28. Raz N. BlankzTon

    I’m 17 . I’m very good in acting but I was not trained in that. I always dreamed of becoming an actor and movie character or film producer.
    And I believe it will go well.

    1. David

      I want to be a actor, so is there any chance I can act? I am 9 year old.

  29. Esther Lahai

    It would be an honour to be an actress at Disney.

  30. Kishauna

    Hello I am kishauna, I’m 14 and new to acting but I love to make people laugh, smile or feel better. I have experience in dancing. I believe that I can sing. I just don’t have any acting experience. But I believe if you notice me you will be very pleased.
    Thank you


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