Soap Opera Casting Directors

Soap Opera Casting in Los Angeles

The following is a list of Soap Operas and the the production studios that produce them.

You will need to contact the ones you are interested in for more specific information including what their submission process is for actors who are looking to get cast in one of their soaps.

Be sure to call or email them before sending in your information to find out what their submission process is.



Bell-Phillip Television Prods, Inc.
CBS Television City
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Suite 3371
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(323) 575- 4138
Casting: Christy Dooley

Corday Prods., Inc. with Columbia Pictures TV
NBC Studios 2 & 4
3000 W. Alameda Avenue
Burbank, CA 91523
(818) 840-4089
Casting: Fran Bascom (Director); Linda Poindexter (Atmosphere) at Columbia Pictures Television

ABC Television Center
4151 Prospect Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90027
(310) 557-7777
Casting: Mark Teschner

NBC Studios
4024 Radford Ave.
Studio City, CA 91604
Casting: Jackie Briskey (principals only), Don Philip Smith (under5 and extras)

Bell Dramatic Serial Co./Corday Prods, Inc./Columbia TriStar TV
7800 Beverly Blvd.
Suite 3305
Los Angeles, CA 90036
(213) 852-2532
Casting: Meryl O’Loughlin (Director), Gail Camacho (Assoc.)


Soap Opera Casting in New York

320 West 66th Street
New York, NY 10023
Casting: Judy Blye Wilson (Director), Elias Tray (Associate) (Under 5’s & Extras).
Send photos, resumé, portcards.

TeleVest Daytime Programming for Procter & Gamble
524 West 57th St.
New York, NY 10019
Casting: Mikie Heilbrun (Carting Director) Tom Alberg (Under 5’s/Extras)

TeleVest Daytime Programming for Procter & Gamble
222 East 44th St.
New York, NY 10017
Casting: Glenn Daniels (Casting Director), Melanie Haseltine (Associate)
Accepts postcards/showcase invitations

56 West 66th St.
New York, NY 10023
Casting: Julie Madison (Director); Victoria Visgilio (Associate), Sheryl Baker (Assistant)
Send photos & resumé or porstards only to:
157 Columbus Ave., 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10023

36 thoughts on “Soap Opera Casting Directors

  1. stacey wolff

    I would love to be a part of the Young and the Restless and become a actor. How would I start to do that.

  2. Tiana "Jade" Ware

    I would love to be casted on the young and the restless or the bold and the beautiful.

  3. Soap Opera Digest

    Open Auditions for the Fall premier season are currently being downloaded.

    1. Antoine L Cook

      I’m been acting for a while, just trying too do it on a business level, changing lanes in my life path. Pretty much wanna change my career in the arts of acting as a career.

  4. Gary L. Saunders

    My 13 year old grandson and I are seeking acting opportunities. Gabriel Perez is a very handsome 6th grader who is about 5’5″ tall. He is athletic and intelligent as well as being a terrific sketch artist I am 76 years old with stage acting experience, especially, in biblical productions where I have played Abraham, Nicodemus, and a Gentile baker whose brother was the Roman centurion who was declared by Jesus/Yeshua to have had more faith than any man on earth. I look, also, like Santa Claus and have played “him” in malls for 20 years. I am a retired (38 years) high school English teacher with a Master’s Degree in British Literature and Secondary Education. I am also the original “White Shadow” who was hired by Bobby Kennedy’s office as U.S. Attorney General… Farmville, Virginia in 1963. I am the first White guy to coach an all Black boys’ high school basketball team in the U.S. Gabe and I have modeling photos from our agency.

  5. Vanessa

    I would love to have a part in a soap opera. My dream.

  6. Vanessa

    A daytime soap opera? Who wouldn’t love to be a part of it. My dream…

  7. Alejandra

    How would I find out who the casting agencies are for Mexican and Columbian soap opera actors/actresses. Thank you!

  8. Eunice Aduol

    I love soap operas and would like to join you. I am from Kenya.

  9. Stunned

    Are you guys truly this — blank —- ? For crying out loud, this is a blog of notices. People check this site to see what’s new and who is casting, but if you’re posting questions like “how do I become an actor” or “if I send you my reel” or “I’ve always wanted to act, never had a chance and now” – then you’re in the wrong place and what’s even worse you don’t seem to know much about what it is you seem to want so badly.

    a) find a seminar in your area that is named INTRO to acting – because you need both, acting lessons and lessons on the business. How did I guess? Actors who can act, would be out there working not posting silly questions online and actors who understand the business would never post SUCH silly questions online

    b) second thing you want to do is AUDITION and the BEST place to find a way to break into that is community and school plays and extra casting, which almost every city has.

    c) If you REALLY REALLY REALLY want to be an actor and it’s all you’ve ever dreamed of, understand that it’s a business and no one in their right mind ( not even an indie director) is going to cast an total nobody in a leading role, unless that total nobody is so phenomenal and so perfect for the part that the director has no other choice but to give it a chance and hope the money behind the film let’s him/or her cast this total nobody and oh, yes, the total nobody, once he/she is cast in a role, will eventually have to act. SO PLEASE LEARN TO DO THAT FIRST and as you train, I promise you half the stupid questions posted here you’ll have answers to. Break a leg!

    1. Maryann

      I, like you, am absolutely taken aback at the many questions and comments that are posted here. It simply boggles the mind at just how uninformed most of these people really are. I have been acting most of my life and after training in NY and many years of doing community theatre and movie extra work, I still have yet to make it in the business. Though I have had supporting roles in independent films and also appeared with Jessica Chastain in a theatrical movie, these types of roles do not come easily and only happen after “paying ones dues,” namely, taking classes, constantly auditioning, networking, having professional photos and resumes, getting and agent, etc….. Acting is harder than almost any other business to break into. It doesn’t happen overnight if it happens at all. Just like any other field, it takes time and work! Also, good looks and talent don’t hurt!! FYI: As my old acting teacher once told me ( a daytime TV actress herself- – Guiding Light, Days of Our Lives), it is even more difficult to get work on a soap opera than it is to get cast in a major commercial, so daytime dramas might be one of the very LAST things to consider. Not to be discouraging, but these are the facts, people! Face them!

      1. Noelle L Kaine

        You are incorrect and sound very bitter.

  10. Tanya Branco-Scott

    I am a 43 year old mom who has always dreamed of acting on a soap opera. I have experience dancing in front of large crouds(New England Patriots Cheerleader and Disney employee). How can I get an audition in New York? Is it difficult to get an audition? Thanks so much

  11. Ra'Qukerria Farmer (KeKe)

    Hi, my name is KeKe and I love to sing, dance, and act. Hopefully one day, I would love to pursue my dreams as an actress.

  12. Willie Riles III

    I would like to have a chance to be on your show. I like to do plays at my school and act. I am a people person and I like being around other people.

  13. regina

    i would like to try out for an role on general hospital, please, my favorite character on the show is Maurice benard who plays the character Micheal sonny corinthos and there’s also Anthony geary whomplay’s the character of Luke Spencer and then there’s Shawn Blakemore who play’s the character of Sean Butler. I love Kelly Monaco who play’s sam mccall-morgan and her little sister molly Davis played by Halley Alexis pullos and chad duell who play’s Micheal Corinthos and Carly jax who is played by luara wright. If I had to move to LA, then I would. thank you, god bless, Regina s. lentz.

  14. Charles B Prayer

    Hi I am a stage-actor,a stand-up comedian, a background-actor. I am “Auditioning for ALL MY CHILDREN. I am available, please send the interview time, shoot location,thanks for your time.

  15. Shelly Hunter

    hi my name is Shelly and I’m just trying to find acting jobs and being an extra for any movies or working the set of being on the runway for the models and searching for a contest. I’m 46 yrs old and you are never to old to follow your dreams and that is what I’m trying to do. Thank so much for your time.

  16. Nicholas Conley

    Hey, there talented undiscovered 21 year old, male living in LA
    I can send you my reel, Links, resume and pics. I have everything together and I will be sure to impress you and not waste your time. Lets commence a partnership.
    Actor Nicholas

  17. Kay Lambert

    Does it take a lot of experience and schooling to act in a Role or even as an extra? No it does not. I feel that acting is
    in the DNA of any given person and to me, it feels like I am in a room with friends etc. I do not get nervous and I feel confident and happy. Also I have noticed more Plus size females are more prominent now more so than at any time in the past. I am not Plus size but I do have extra pounds to lose, or not. If a person has a unique quality in facial looks and expressions it is priceless. I modeled some in my 20’s, married divorced was a single parent with 2 children now and they are grown and successful. Point is, I am a confident person and would like to have any role. Even at my age now most people think that I am 40 ish. Question is does anyone have experience with the situation that I have described and if I look younger than I am is it just crazy to have this desire to act now that I have the empty nest? Any suggestions will be appreciated.

  18. Tomas Garza

    Hi, I really want to audition for a new soap opera in telemundo or a new project on tv. Please let me know how I can find out about it.

  19. letkecha moore

    I would love to write for the Young and the Restless. But my dream is to act, I’ve been watching the Young and the Restless since I was eight and Know everything about the show some times before it even happens. I’ll move to LA if I have to. I love the young and the restless.

  20. Charles,Walton

    Hi i am very excited about joining your team of exceptional actors. I hope I can keep from too excited while I’m acting,because I am a struggling actor. I do want to make a great impression. Thank You for your time. Chrles,Walton

  21. Ekemita yusuf

    I am an actor from Nigeria. I want to participate in soap opera, how can I partispate.

  22. Kaitlynn

    I want to audition for Ciara Brady, Hope and Brady’s daughter

  23. Nakelia Robinson

    Hi. I am really wanting to be an actress. I just really need to know how to get a good acting job.

  24. sipho

    where can i get opera agencies in south africa.

  25. Lisa

    You just have to keep praying,keeping the faith and never give up…something will happing in god time and not your time,you have to keep beleaving your dreams and yes…where all going to her some no“s but it only take that one yes….god bless you all,and have a great day…luv your friend lisa….

  26. mike

    who can we trust, actors now days need to help the one that are trying to get in, i spend about 5200 on modeling and acting, i’v goting no were,im trying and trying , i work and i need is someone that can help me get in.

    1. Andre`

      To Mike 3/22/011:
      U must learn the basics about the industry 1st, especially when looking
      to attend $$ on a acting/production program. There are too many Books
      (yes books) or be willing to seek Real websites for education in film/TV/
      & Modeling. 1st Clue, one can get a BA & Masters degree in Acting, but
      I can’t think of any college that offers a degree in Modeling. So expect
      to pay more & expect more, & Inquire more for Acting – especially who
      are the persons teaching at the school/workshops you are considering.
      I worked for a very popular Modeling & Acting school in Atlanta, & there
      were some persons teaching there that really didn’t have the resume to
      be teaching. They were not professionally trained in those areas they
      were teaching in, nor did they have national professional [exposed]
      experience. Meaning, their work had not been seen nationally, or
      similar. So asked about who’s teaching at that program, because that’s
      1/2 of what your paying for, along with who has completed the program
      that has gone on to do respectful work in the biz. And see if those exact
      persons have good things to say about the entire program, or maybe it
      was just one Instructor, & not the entire program. Then seek out that
      person/instructor for their advice. Good training will not be cheap, but
      there are some that are not good programs, but will still charge a lot
      for lower quality training/education. Or, find a solid Mentor. You to, have
      to use what was given to you, your brain. Read, inquire, & research, goes
      a long way in this biz, too many people want the quick fix, that is not the

  27. daniel jackson

    Hi, my name is daniel jackson and I would like a career in acting if you can help it would be most appreciate, THANK YOU

  28. Margaux Cintrano

    How would I find out who the casting agencies are for Mexican and Columbian soap opera actors/actresses


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