Author Archives: Sarah Drake

Lead Roles in Short Film – L.A.

Casting Male and Female Leads for Short ‘Close Up’ Location: Los Angeles, CA Type: Video Casting one male lead and one female lead for semi-experimental love story told in primarily extreme close ups. Both roles are for ages 20-35, Caucasian or ethnically ambiguous. Tone of characters are hallmark/commercial, archetypal, model young couple. Must play nervous,… Read More »

DC Indie Film Casting Female Roles

Playing It Raw Location: Washington, DC Type: Indie Film Looking for Black or Hispanic actresses to fill the following roles: JOI– Mid 20s, a naive woman, lacking street sense gets romantically involved with a drug dealer Ayana– Mid 20s. Joi’s friend and voice of reason Keisha– Mid 20s- Femme fatal. Ladylike enforcer of a drug… Read More »

Auditions for TV Pilot in Los Angeles

TV Sitcom: Title TBA Location: Glendale, CA (Los Angeles area) Type: TV Pilots Executive Producer, Series Writer and Creator, Edgar Alexander Jr. Will be holding auditions for a new nationally syndicated independent TV Sitcom. The Plot- Involves an African-American Family. A loving Father, (Edgar Alexander Jr.) and his Wife, (Kimberly Roulin) raises their family, in… Read More »

Paid Acting Job in Dallas Texas for Christian Video Series

You Connection – Christian Video Curriculum Series Location: Dallas, Texas Type: Video We are holding auditions for a young woman (20s) who can act and sing. You Connection is a newly formed faith-based nonprofit corporation in Dallas, Texas, providing Christ-centered character education for ages 8-12 through a power-packed video curriculum series as well as (eventually)… Read More »