Category: singers

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Singers and Voice actors age 9-12 in Fredricksburg VA

Auditions for Kids, Singers and Voice talent in Virginia Singers and Voice actors age 9-12 for internationally distributed Christian Recording Location: Fredericksburg, VA Type: Singers The Jackie’s Song Foundation is a 501 (c)3 performing arts foundation. Through our ART-is-IN performing arts day camp experience, we produce Christian children’s musicals worldwide. Our published works have been… Read More »

Broadway Show “Motown” Holding Open Auditions for Singers in Detroit and Nationwide

The Broadway hit “Motown, The Musical“is coming to Detroit and hosting auditions for singers The shows casting team will be holding an open call for African American male and female singers as well as boys ages 8 to 13 to play Michael Jackson, Barry Gordy and Stevie Wonder. Aspiring singers, this may be your chance… Read More »