Category: singers

Find auditions for singers, rappers, girl groups, boy groups, musical theater and more.

Female Singer Auditions in Houston Texas

MUSIC INDUSTRY VETS LOOKING FOR GREAT SINGERS FOR MUSIC PROJECT/ENSEMBLE Location: Houston, Texas Type: Singers Industry veterans (Christina Aguilera, Mary J. Blige, Raphael Saadiq, etc.) are looking for Charismatic, Passionate, Soul-Stirring, Vocal Phenom! You MUST HAVE A GREAT voice that CAN & DOES MASTER various genres (Soul, R&B, Adult Contemporary, Gospel, Country, Jazz, etc. )… Read More »

Auditions in Brisbane, Queensland Australia for Singers to Join Harmony Singing Group

Contemporary Singers Wanted Location: Brisbane, Queensland Type: Singers Brand new contemporary mixed-voice harmony group in Brisbane! We focus on pop, jazz and gospel styles with a smattering of other genres thrown in for fun. We are currently accepting auditions from all voice types but would be particularly interested in hearing from BASSES and ALTOS. Music… Read More »

Singer Auditions in Tulsa Oklahoma for Pop Girl Group

Pop Girl Group Location: Tulsa, OK Type: Singers Casting: -Girl group: Ages 19-25 -Genre: Pop -Singing: Strong powerhouse voices and harmonizers -Dancing/Choreography -Songwriting Looking for a girl group focused on the Pop genre. Singing,dancing, and songwriting required. If you are looking to break into the music industry, join with me and lets make our dreams… Read More »

Open Auditions in New York for Celebrity Cruises Singers, Dancers & Performers

Celebrity Cruises – NYC Open Call for Singers & Dancers Location: New York, NY Type: Singers Celebrity Cruises – Open Call for Singers & Dancers Celebrity Cruises is seeking performers for their groundbreaking and award-winning productions aboard their fleet of nine ships. They offer Modern Luxury vacations, visiting all seven continents, where every detail is… Read More »