Category: Child

Audition listings for children and teens who want to be in movies, videos or TV commercials

Dallas Auditions for boy and male actors

One boy and two young men needed for short film project. These ARE paid roles. ALL RACES are encouraged to audition. Experience is not as important as ability, but only serious inquiries will be allowed to audition. Good money for easy, fun work. Lunch provided. Adam— needs to look between ages 9 and 12. Doug—this… Read More »

Acting Auditions GA

Dropping Petals Casting notice posted on, casting location: Chattanooga, TN Auditions for Dropping Petals(shot film). We need actors male and female ranging from 10 to 32. Auditions will be Sunday December 12th 2010 from Noon and 6PM at the Hampton Inn in Ringgold, GA (EXT 350, Hwy 2A Battlefield Pkwy)At this point time and… Read More »

Casting Child Singers 8 to 14 for National Commercial

Singer auditions Los Angeles Casting a children’s choir group (ages 8-14 yrs.- all ethnicities) and single singers (ages 8-14yrs all ethnicities) for a SAG national retail store commercial. Also casting a Banjo player (20-50s all ethnicities) that can also play multiple instruments. You must live in Los Angeles as we’re casting on Tuesday the 30th.… Read More »