Category: New York

Actors 15 to 24 in Caderhurst, N.Y. for Teen PSA – Online Auditions

Web Video: Teens-At-Risk (PSA) Location: Caderhurst, N.Y. Type: Educational Teens at Risk – Jewish Nonprofit Awareness Video CASTING DATES: Online submissions accepted April 27th – May 5th *No live auditions, only online submissions will be accepted *Please send resume and headshot to SHOOT DATES: 1 day of shooting – Monday, May 18th, 2015 *Actors… Read More »

Little People in NYC

Little People Location: New York City, NY SEEKING HEIGHT 4’10” OR 4’3″ (NYC) Character Mascots for movie stunt! This is for a movie premiere marketing stunt. We will have our team in costume, trained on mannerisms of the specific movie characters. Our team will be moving (via vans) to multiple high volume locations to create… Read More »