Category: North Carolina

FOX “Sleepy Hollow” is casting lots of teen boys 14 to 22 to play high school students in Wilmington

“Sleepy Hollow” filming in Wilmington, North Carolina is looking for lots of teen boys or young adults up to 22 years old who can still pass for teen boys. The production is looking for lots of different types, jocks, skaters, punks, hippies and nerds are all welcome. If you live in Wilmington and have a… Read More »

Zach Galifianakis “Loomis Fargo” Casting Call in North Carolina

Zack Galifianakis new feature film “Loomis Fargo” also called “Untitled Armored Car” will be filming in Asheville, NC this summer. The “Hangover” star, Zack Galifianakis will be starring in a new comedy about an armored car heist. IMDB reports that the name of the new film is “Loomis Fargo“ and that Kristen Wiig, Owen Wilson… Read More »

Zach Galifianakis “Loomis Fargo” begins casting extras & background actors in NC

Relativity Media’s,  Zack Galifianakis feature film “Loomis Fargo” is about to begin production in the Asheville area. The “Hangover” star is a busy man this year. According to IMDB he has 3 films he is working on this year of which is the comedy “Loomis Fargo“. The movie will be filming this summer in Zach’s… Read More »