Category: Wisconsin

Extras Casting in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

An addict for my addictions Location: Milwaukee, WI Type: Male early 20s. Addict, thug, bad society Female 18 to early 20s. In love with an addict Male 30 to 40. King of the street. High class gangster Female 30s. Junkie turned gangster Payment: Non Paid City or Location of call: Milwaukee, WI Please submit to:… Read More »

Singers / Performers To Host Interactive Events – Various Cities Nationwide

Pitch Black – Dining in the Dark Location: NYC, Chicago, Pittsburgh, San Diego, Orlando, San Francisco, St. Louis, Miami, Austin, Detroit, and Milwaukee Type: Singers Looking for a singing host to emcee the event Pitch Black Dining in the Dark. The host will lead the patrons through exploring all their senses while they eat a… Read More »

Auditions in Madison / Waukesha Wisconsin for “A TALE OF THE SUPERNATURAL”

A TALE OF THE SUPERNATURAL Location: Madison, Wisconsin Type: Film Our indie film company is producing a feature in the Madison/Waukesha, Wisconsin area. It’s an original story about the supernatural. The role of each character will require about 1-2 days to shoot. Each actor will be paid $40 at the end of each day’s shoot.… Read More »

Casting Call in South East Wisconsin for Web Series “The Bat”

The Bat Location: Southeast Wisconsin Type: Web series Hello, we are making a web series for YouTube in southeast Wisconsin based on DC character Red Hood called The Red Hood. This series is a non-profit, non-paid webseries. We’re looking for people who are passionate about the character and want to make this project to have… Read More »