Category: MTV True Life

MTV True Life

TRUE LIFE: I’M A TEXTAHOLIC Are you addicted to texting? Do you feel like you can’t be separated from your phone for more than five minutes without feeling extremely anxious? Do you live with the constant fear that you will miss a text or the opportunity to send a text? Is texting your primary means… Read More »

Be on MTV

True Life TRUE LIFE: I’M A SURROGATE Are you pregnant…with someone else’s baby? Do you enjoy being pregnant? Are you willing to give the gift of life to a couple in need by carrying their child for nine months? Have you been a surrogate before – for strangers, friends, or family members? Or is this… Read More »

MTV True Life “Cyber Bully” and “Cyber War”

MTV Casting / Tryouts Casting for MTV’s True Life series information. MTV is seeking teens and young adults for three episodes of True Life that deal with a “cyber” issue. The episodes are “I am a Cyberbully”, “Cyber War” and “Peaole think I am a Cyber Bully”. The descriptions of the 3 castings along with… Read More »