Category: Teen

DC auditions for teens – Theater

Three Summer Play Auditions – For Teens and Young Adults Location: Washington DC Type: Theater TRAILWAYS Rehearses June 1-12 Performs June 13-14 MEN: Gray-An intelligent, cynical student. Witty, but with a nasty temper. Trevor- An eccentric student and aspiring filmmaker. Affable, but unpredictable. WOMEN: Carol-Trevor’s girlfriend. A clever hipster with a sharp attitude, but a… Read More »

Cleveland Ohio – Teen actress to play costumed superhero in series

Cardinal Adventures Location: Cleveland, Ohio Type: Web series I am looking for an attractive Hispanic actress, 17-20, (or looks that age) to play a costumed villain in the next (5th) episode of my Christian super hero web series CARDINAL ADVENTURES. Must be comfortable wearing dance type leotard costume. Will be needed for approximately 2 shoots… Read More »