Category: Teen

Casting Teens NYC

audition notice posted by the Producer Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York City Hello, Looking for 2 teens to be interviewed for a Nature of Things documentary on May 25th at noon. Honorarium provided. Please call Holly at 204-775-4092 Casting Location: New York City Contact email:

Teen Singers for Glee-TV-Show – Dallas

Teen Singers for Glee-TV-Show Type Live Performance Group Casting notice posted on, casting location: Dallas, TX Popular Gravity is a Glee-inspired teen singing & dancing performance group headquartered in McKinney, Texas (30 min. North of Dallas). Group is holding auditions to add a few additional teen singers. Visit web site for more information.… Read More »

Casting teens and their parents

PARENTS: Do You Think Your Teen Is Too Young To Date….Travel Abroad…Get A Piercing? Casting notice posted on, casting location: Nationwide Hey Parents! Do you feel like your teenager is too young to date? Does your teen want to get a piercing, dye their hair, or even get plastic surgery? Is your teen rebellious… Read More »

Colorado Auditions for youth choir

Singer auditions posted by the Marketing Manager Casting notice posted on, casting location: Centennial, Littleton, Denver, Highlands Ranch, Colorado Young Voices of Colorado,, is holding auditions for its 2011-2012 season. Young Voices is a premiere children’s choir for treble singers ages 7 to 18 years old. Its mission is to achieve excellence in… Read More »

New York “White Flag” – Casting teen girl

White Flag Casting notice posted on, casting location: New York, NY Emily – 17, slender and bald, race unimportant. Suffering from cancer, which has robbed her of her hair, Emily battles her demons and negativity with her vivid imagination. However constantly being sick leads Emily to determine that the 1st decision she will make… Read More »