Category: Teen

Casting children, teens and young adults for “Cinderella”

Milford Performing Arts Center – Child casting call for “Cinderella” theater audition The Milford Performing Arts Center announces auditions for Rogers and Hammerstein’s “Cinderella” for actors ages 8 to 22. Auditions are as follows: Sunday March 7th 2-5p.m (Ages 8-10 yrs.) Monday March 8th 6:30-10:00p.m (Ages 14 and up) Tuesday March 9th 6:00-9:30 (Ages 11-13… Read More »

Currently seeking young actors and actresses ages 9-13

Child auditions are currently being held for the film “Frustrated”. The films producers are seeking young actors and actresses 9-13 to play various roles in the film. character breakdowns: MICHAEL: Male, 9-13 years old. An only child who loves to cite his encyclopedic knowledge of diseases. Although he can sometimes be a know-it-all, he is… Read More »

Casting Young Dancer in DC

Are you a Young Dancer? I am a student working on a film. I am in need of a main actress that dances and also lives in the DC METRO area. The details are below. This short film is under 12 minutes and is about a young girl who has an aspiration to dance as… Read More »

Casting Kids, Teens and Women for project | UK

Now in old age, Ben, tells the story of his childhood, growing up as an evacuee in rural Wales. This short film follows his emotional changes as he becomes aware of the people around him. Web: Apply to: Craig Lewis breakdowns: Male 31-40 yrs. Owen, Bens father, after being posted overseas, returns from… Read More »

Teen Casting for hero role in Los Angeles

We are doing pre-screening to find talented interesting looking young actor with fighting skills to play one of the lead role in a 2011 Action feature film. Actor will play opposite to female lead (already cast – named teen actress). We would like to give opportunity to everybody who fit description without going to open… Read More »